what is dangerous and how not to get sick

Viral hepatitis C is an insidious infectious disease that is asymptomatic and without treatment leads to cirrhosis of the liver.

In the regional Center for Public Health and Medical Prevention, a Health School lesson was held on the topic “Patient Safety: Hepatitis Prevention”.

Ekaterina Stasyuk, a methodologist, told regarding the features and methods of preventing this disease.

Hidden affliction

The lecture was attended by wards of the Krasnodar foundation “Generation”. Members of this organization, under the patronage of Galina Golovchenko, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region, visit the School of Health weekly.

At the beginning of her speech, Ekaterina Stasyuk voiced general information regarding the disease:

Ekaterina Stasyuk

– Viral hepatitis C is an infectious human disease of viral etiology with a primary lesion of the liver. And also with a possible outcome in people with a chronic form of infection in liver cirrhosis or a malignant neoplasm – hepatocellular carcinoma.

Every year, more than 290 thousand people die from hepatitis C in the world. In our country, each specific case of the disease is registered, carefully monitored, and the circle of contacts of the patient is determined.

– The incubation period of hepatitis C lasts from six to eight weeks, it can be both latent and acute. If, following infection, the human body might not cope with hepatitis C on its own and the virus continues to multiply for more than six months, the disease becomes chronic. Why is it scary? In the chronic form, the liver tissue degenerates into connective tissue, and the functions of the organ begin to suffer. While the infection is hidden, people, of course, not knowing anything regarding it, do not go to the doctors. Speaking in the language of statistics, out of the four cases in three, hepatitis C becomes chronic. Every fourth disease goes away on its own, and a person can find out regarding it by chance following many years. Therefore, prevention plays a huge role here, – emphasized Ekaterina Stasyuk, a methodologist.

Then the event continued in a question-answer format.

All in our hands

– Ekaterina Alexandrovna, how can you get infected with the hepatitis C virus?

– The virus is found in large quantities in the blood and other body fluids of an infected person. Infection most often occurs when one’s blood enters another person’s blood or broken skin (mucous membranes).

People who inject drugs are at the highest risk of becoming infected with the hepatitis C virus. Infection is also possible when tattooing, piercing, cosmetic procedures, manicure or pedicure, if non-sterile needles or other instruments are used in salons.

In such situations, each person must himself be interested in his own safety. It is necessary to make sure that the tools are processed, there is a sterilizer – dry heat. Or sterile disposable syringes, scissors, tweezers and the like should be opened with you. That is, all manipulations that can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes should be carried out using sterile instruments and materials.

Most often, hepatitis C infection occurs when the blood of an infected person enters the bloodstream or on the damaged skin of another person.

Infection is also possible at home when using razors with blades, manicure or pedicure accessories shared with other family members. Blood particles remain on the surface of the instruments, and in the case of microtrauma, the virus can enter the wound and cause disease.

Hepatitis C is also transmitted sexually. Therefore, it is important to have a permanent sexual partner. People who lead an immoral lifestyle, excessive use of alcohol and psychoactive substances, are also at risk. Indeed, in a state of euphoria, promiscuity often occurs.

In addition, a child can become infected from an infected mother during pregnancy or childbirth. Although this is quite rare – from 1 to 5 percent of all cases.

Donate blood and live in peace

– How to understand that a person is infected, how does the disease manifest itself?

– In most cases, hepatitis C is latent. The infected person feels well for a long time. And, as a rule, he cannot name the period when his health worsened, which might indicate the onset of the disease.

In the early stages of the disease, some people experience non-specific symptoms: weakness, fatigue, headaches. In extremely rare cases, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin, as well as itchy skin, may occur.

If chronic hepatitis C remains undiagnosed for a long time and the disease reaches the stage of cirrhosis of the liver, then there are more serious symptoms associated with impaired liver function: weight loss, accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites), bleeding from the veins of the esophagus, brain dysfunction – encephalopathy.

Members of the Generation Foundation attend classes at the School of Health weekly.Photo: Yury Khodzitsky

– Why is hepatitis C dangerous in the long course of the disease?

– Over the years, an infected person has a replacement of normal liver tissue with connective tissue – liver fibrosis. This is a kind of cicatricial changes as a result of chronic inflammation. The final stage of fibrosis is cirrhosis of the liver, in which the tissue structure of this important organ is disrupted. And with severe cirrhosis, the function of the organ already suffers. In some patients, once morest the background of cirrhosis, a malignant neoplasm, hepatocellular carcinoma, may occur. Therefore, it is important for all people with chronic hepatitis C to see a doctor and regularly undergo the necessary examinations. In addition, some of the sick people develop extrahepatic manifestations of chronic hepatitis C: diseases of the kidneys, skin, thyroid gland, disorders in the blood system.

How can the disease be diagnosed?

– Only with the help of special studies, which are conventionally divided into three groups.

The first is blood tests that indicate current infection with the virus or a history of hepatitis C. The second is blood tests that reflect inflammation in the liver as well as liver function. The third is studies that help assess the size of the liver, the condition of its tissue and other abdominal organs.

It’s being treated

Can chronic hepatitis C be cured?

This disease has been curable for many years. Taking a course of special antiviral drugs leads to the complete removal of the virus from the human body and its recovery. It is important to remember that the treatment has many features, so only a doctor should prescribe drugs. A person who has successfully recovered from hepatitis C cannot infect other people.

– What should be done to prevent infection and how not to infect others?

– It is advisable to refuse to apply tattoos, piercings and unreasonable cosmetic procedures. And if they are carried out, contact organizations that have the necessary permits for the provision of these services, whose specialists have been trained in safe work rules and use disposable or reusable sterilized instruments.

Hepatitis C has been curable for many years. Taking drugs leads to the complete removal of the virus from the human body and its recovery. Treatment has many features, so only a doctor should prescribe drugs.

At home, it is important to use only personal razors, manicure and pedicure supplies, toothbrushes, towels and other hygiene products. Do not allow them to be used by other family members.

Condoms must be used to prevent sexual transmission.

Before planning a pregnancy, women are advised to be screened for the hepatitis C virus.

Don’t Ignore the Symptoms

– What else is important to know if a person is infected with the hepatitis C virus?

– The hepatitis C virus is not transmitted by shaking hands, hugging, kissing, sharing dishes and cutlery, sharing bed linen.

Transmission of hepatitis C virus from mother to child is possible, but occurs infrequently. The hepatitis C virus does not affect the development of the fetus. Infection with the virus does not affect the method of delivery – both natural and artificial births are possible. Breastfeeding is allowed.

Hepatitis C virus infection should be reported to all physicians. Especially for those who are going to carry out such manipulations as dental treatment or surgical operations.

All people infected with the hepatitis C virus should completely avoid alcohol, as its use contributes to more rapid liver damage.

In the early stages of the disease, there are no dietary recommendations. A special diet is necessary only in the late stage of hepatitis C, when cirrhosis of the liver is detected.

There are no restrictions on sports with hepatitis C, but contact sports associated with injuries (boxing, wrestling, and others) can damage the skin and get blood on the mucous membranes or damaged skin of another person, which can lead to infection.

It is important to remember that you can not ignore any symptoms of the disease, superficially treat your ailment.

A very common mistake is self-medication. Any medication must be prescribed by a doctor. Only a doctor can assess the severity of the disease in combination with diagnostics and tests. And prescribe an effective drug for treatment. A big problem is when people use the advice of friends, the Internet, relatives, what and how to treat. This is unacceptable, dangerous, and can lead to the transition of the disease to a chronic state.

Another common mistake is alternative methods of treatment: folk remedies, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, leeches, sound, light, and so on. Often all of them do not help, and time goes by.

Conclusion: at the first signs of any disease, consult a doctor. At least once a year, undergo preventive medical examinations. In our center, this can be done completely free of charge.

And more importantly: when visiting a doctor, do not hide information regarding yourself, admit to having bad habits. Then the doctor will be able to make the most complete picture.

Finally, observe personal hygiene, use protective masks, wash your hands thoroughly when you get home, and disinfect your nose with saline solution.



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