What is climate anxiety and how to identify it

MEXICO CITY.- The anxiety It is a disorder that Some people suffer from frequent, intense, excessive and persistent worries and fears. on everyday situations, the Institute points out Mayo Clinic.

These situations interfere with the quality of life, can give rise to health problems or may even have arisen from an illness that requires treatment.

At this point, it is important to note that A person may suffer from more than one type of anxiety, and usually begin in childhood or adolescence, but can last into adulthood. medical consultation is necessary to reach an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The experts of Mayo Clinic They claim that they exist different types of anxiety and among the examples they point to the generalized anxiety, specific phobias, separation anxiety and social anxiety.

However, others have also been studied, such as climate anxietya disorder that primarily affects the new generations, According to National Geographic, it arises before the Alarming reports on climate change and its consequences for the world.

What is climate anxiety?

The Harvard Medical School published an article stating that the Climate anxiety affects human behavior and thinking, and negatively affects your mood with feelings of guilt, shame, anger and sorrow.

This is why, the article explains, the increase in medical consultations for psychiatric issues is associated with the rise in temperature.

How to identify climate anxiety?

From Harvard they focus on the symptoms that this type of anxiety presents as difficulties concentrating, studying, eating and sleeping.

In addition, there may be a loss in the ability to enjoy relationships, so the impact on daily life is great.

In children and adolescents, this disorder can harm their cognitive development and overall health. However, the article states that We are not dealing with a mental illnessbut it is an anxiety that germinates in the uncertainty about the future.

This is why studies on climate anxiety are multiplying to counteract any negative effects it may have on human health.

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#climate #anxiety #identify
2024-08-06 21:10:13



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