What is and what is the single certificate that has been managed since last year in Córdoba

Since last year, the single certificate process has been available for citizens of the province of Córdoba. The process implies that the person concerned declares under oath their current marital status. The document is certified and legalized by the provincial Civil Registry.

It is a request little known among the people of Cordoba, but necessary in specific procedures.

Only in the first year of its implementation, in the year 2022, 748 people from Cordoba managed the declaration.

Of the total certificates issued during that year, 382 were requested by men and 366 by women.

It is purely a process online and that starts from the official page of the Civil Registry on Facebook.

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The main cause of the applications is the need to present them in procedures abroad.

During the past year, 570 were used within the country. However, the rest was presented for procedures abroad. Thus, 125 were presented in Spain, 10 in Italy, six in Brazil and five in Germany, Andorra and Israel.

This is the case of Natalia Vensal, who is currently in Italy processing her citizenship. In turn, she and her partner plan to marry in France, since he is a native of that country.

The “certificate of singleness” can have different names such as “negative certificate of marriage” or “certificate of celibacy” and is necessary to get married in Europe.

When she began to gather the necessary papers for this process in French territory, Natalia found herself in need of the paper: “In some countries, this information is found in the birth certificate, but it is not the case of the Argentine certificate, which does not present this data”.

Another of the most recent cases is that of Lucía Farnochi, who lives in the capital Córdoba, but requested the certificate to obtain Swiss citizenship.

In his case, it is an acquisition by inheritance, and he required proof to process the document and passport of his second nationality.

How is the process in first person

The processing is 100 percent online and the final result is a PDF file that each citizen receives.

The first contact is through the Facebook Messenger chat. Natalia says that from that conversation she was given a turn by video call and they sent her a form to fill out with the necessary information to move forward.

In the turn granted, a video call is made to the applicant by the Civil Registry. The interview online Its purpose is solely to certify the identity of the applicant.

“It was super efficient and really fast, following four days it was ready and they sent me the declaration by mail”, relata Vendal.

Lucía Farnochi also highlights the speed of the certificate process, she said that they answered her on the spot and that she simply had to give the details for what purpose she needed it. In addition, in less than a week she managed to complete the management.

As in the case of Natalia, he agreed on a day and a time for the virtual meeting. “In the video call, the advisor explained to me that he had to apostillate that statement for it to have international validity. This information helped me a lot because no one had detailed it to me at the embassy ”, he details it to The voice.

“The advice was very complete, and it helped me for other procedures; for example, for my children ”she adds.

How to apply

Those who need it should contact through the official page of the agency on Facebook www.facebook.com/registrocivilcba. The only requirement is to have been born within the territory of the province of Córdoba.

In the chat, they will be advised on the necessary documentation to present to start the process. In addition, help will be available for management until the procedure is completed.

In addition to the documentation, the interested party will have to fill out an application form.

Once the data included in the form is verified, the entity will be contacted to provide the video call. For this step, it is necessary to have a device with a camera and microphone (cell phone, tablet or computer).

Currently, the delay time from when the person communicates until the sworn statement with digital signature is sent is three days, on average.

The final certificate is issued with a legalized signature, which makes possible the apostilled that gives it international validity.



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