What is adiabatic cooling, this ecological alternative to air conditioning?

2023-11-01 23:00:00

1. What is adiabatic cooling?

The adiabatic cooling East a thermodynamic process which relies on the evaporation of water to cool the air. Unlike traditional air conditioning, which uses refrigerant compression and condensation systems, adiabatic cooling does not need these components, making it more environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

The cooler comes in the form of a box or box housing wet media, a fan, and a water pump. Hot outside air is drawn through the moistened pads, causing the water to evaporate and cool the air.

How it works ?

How does this device work to get rid of traditional air conditioning? The process takes place in 4 steps:

  • Warm air from the environment is sucked in by a fan.

  • This hot air passes through a heat exchanger where water is evaporated.

  • The evaporation of water absorbs heat from the air, thereby reducing its temperature.

  • The cooled air is then distributed into the space to be air conditioned.

2. The different types of adiabatic cooling

In practice, adiabatic cooling can be achieved in different ways, depending on how water is used in the process. Here are the three main types of devices:

has. Direct adiabatic cooling

The hot air enters direct contact with evaporating water, thus lowering its temperature. This is a simple and effective method, but it requires a constant source of water.

b. Indirect/direct adiabatic cooling

This system combines direct adiabatic cooling with a heat exchanger. The hot air first comes into contact with evaporating water, then passes through a heat exchanger to increase its efficiency tenfold. This saves water while maintaining cooling efficiency.

vs. Indirect adiabatic cooling

This principle is used when the volume to be cooled is equipped with a dual flow air handling unit. In this case, an adiabatic module cools the air extracted from the volume. The fresh air entering the volume to be treated is cooled through the CTA exchanger. The hygrometry of the volume is thus not modified.

3. The ecological advantages of adiabatic cooling

Adiabatic cooling presents several notable ecological advantages:

  • Low energy consumption : Compared to traditional air conditioning systems, adiabatic cooling consumes much less energy, reducing electricity consumption by 50% to 90%.

  • No refrigerants : Unlike traditional air conditioning, which often uses refrigerants that are potentially harmful to the environment, adiabatic cooling works without these substances.

  • Improved indoor air quality : By introducing fresh air and maintaining adequate humidity levels, adiabatic cooling contributes to a healthier and more comfortable indoor environment.

How to get a cooler?

Pour get an adiabatic cooler, you have several options. You can start by looking for suppliers who specialize in adiabatic cooling systems, whether at local hardware stores or online.

In general, for a domestic model you can expect prices ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 euros on average. However, smaller and portable models can be less expensive, with prices around 50 to 200 euros.

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