What is a vegetarian diet, what does it consist of and what happens in the body when we do not eat meat? – 2024-07-22 22:03:56

In the world of entertainment, names such as Brad Pitt, Natalie Portman, Billie Eilish and Joaquin Phoenix have joined the vegetarian movement, just to name a few.

In Guatemala there are also famous followers of this lifestyle, one of the Guatemalan cooking books presented last June is by singer Gaby Moreno and chef Mirciny Moliviatis, Music & Cooking It contains multiple recipes and most of them have a vegetarian or vegan version, since the Grammy-winning singer, Gaby Moreno, prefers this type of diet.

But who decides to become vegetarian? There are many different reasons for becoming vegetarian or vegan, including those who are looking for better health, those who want to show love and respect for animals by not consuming products that come from them, and even those who follow religious beliefs.

When making this decision, it is important to be informed in order to do so in a healthy way, understanding the body’s need for proteins, carbohydrates, fats and the different food groups, says Anne Bonin, director of Brahma Kumaris Guatemala.

“What our body needs is a balance of natural elements to feel good,” adds Bonin, who has been leading this lifestyle for several years and has integrated multiple recipes into her daily life.

Brahma Kumaris organizes various activities throughout the year and sometimes offers cooking workshops. They have published books to promote the benefits of various foods, the consumption of vegetable juices, and other ideas to put into practice in the kitchen.

What should a vegetarian’s diet be like?

The vegetarian diet does not always have a good reputation. Some people think it does not meet the necessary requirements, but what do the experts say?

The Mayo Clinic explains that following it correctly can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer, “however, some of these diets may rely too much on processed foods with excess calories, sugar, fat and salt. These diets may not include enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nutrient-dense foods,” clarifies this health organization.

With planning, a vegetarian diet can meet the needs of people of all ages.

If a person wants to opt for vegetarianism, but does not feel it is easy, he or she can do so gradually. (Photo Prensa Libre: cottonbro studio/Pexels)

Nipro Guatemala nutritionist Adriana Recinos says that the ideal is for each person to know the meat substitutes, since it contains proteins and these are essential in daily life.

Instead of meat, people should consume eggs, dairy products such as cream, cheese, margarine, nuts (almonds, pistachios, peanuts), grains, vegetables, legumes (beans, broad beans, chickpeas) and tubers (carrots, potatoes, celery root, ginger, turmeric, beets, turnips and cassava). “Supplementing with vitamin B12 may also be important for some people,” says Recinos.

“The ideal is to go to a nutritionist or doctor and evaluate the process of body changes. This will allow us to recognize if there is weight loss and that this is not due to muscle loss. It will also allow us to know if there are changes in the level of fat, as well as follow-up laboratory tests to verify that there are no deficiencies,” explains Recinos.

If muscle mass is lost, the person may have less energy and it may be difficult to recover, says Recinos. This would require supplements recommended by experts.

“The ideal is to have a varied diet with carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as the caloric intake that I need daily, without forgetting physical activity and proper hydration,” says Recinos.

Ways to make a transition to vegetarianism

The Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has made a list of how to make this transition. Although each person will choose whether they want to make the transition from omnivore to vegan overnight or do it gradually. In both situations they suggest the following:

1. Be realistic: recognize culinary skills, learn new recipes and get informed.

2. Replacing is key: To achieve this goal, do not force yourself to feel the pressure of banning meat from your daily life, but rather look for those dishes that you enjoy and convert them into vegetarian ones. If you have any doubts, contact an expert.

3. Try again and again: There are multiple options in vegetarianism and it is important to experiment with different ingredients and ways of preparing meals.

4. On weekends: One way to make the change step by step is to start trying vegetarian menus on the weekend and gradually include this option.

5. Festivity and a departure from the regime: During festivities, gatherings or special occasions, it is important to tell your hosts about your new way of eating, as well as to adjust to what you can eat. It may be that you eat meat on occasion, and experts say it is important not to feel guilty about it, but to continue the new way of life the next day.

Types of vegetarian diets

  • Lacto-vegetarian diets: They do not eat meat or eggs, as well as foods containing these products. They do eat milk, cheese, yogurt and butter.
  • Ovovegetarian diets: Those who follow it exclude meat and dairy products, but do eat eggs.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarian diets: a combination of the above. They do not eat meat, but they do eat dairy products and eggs.
  • Pescetarian dietsThey do not eat meat, dairy products or eggs, but they do accept fish.
  • Vegan diets: In addition to not eating meat, eggs and milk, they also do not eat honey or other foods that come from animals.
  • Flexitarianos: They follow a vegetarian diet and occasionally include fish and poultry.

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