2023-10-11 19:11:11
Psychopathy is a serious personality disorder that affects up to 4% of men and 1% of women! But to recognize a psychopathic person you still have to define them. Difficult thing since this term currently has no medical definition.
Definition: what is a psychopath?
The term “ psychopath » does not integrate psychiatric nosology even if it is still used by many mental health specialists. What the latter call “psychopathy” corresponds to a personality trouble characterized by emotional coldness, absence of empathy, remorse, morality and dishonest actions.
When these “faithless” individuals also have no law and they exhibit antisocial, delinquent, or even criminal behavior, psychiatry opts for the diagnosis of antisocial personality. The DSM V, a reference manual in psychiatry, sets out some criteria which “medicalize” this disorder, which includes impulsivity. “The antisocial personality disorder described in the DSM is consistent with the original definition of psychopath given by Canadian psychologist Robert Hare, namely a ‘rough person’, an outlaw who is difficult to control,” according to psychologist Samuel Mergui.
However, many experts refuse to put the notion of “psychopathy” in the closet, often considered imprecise and obsolete in favor of a clearly defined notion: the antisocial personality of the DSM V. “In reality, by its criteria, the manual of psychiatry describes a disorder which encompasses, at the risk of confusing them, several different personality types, namely sociopathy, psychopathy and narcissistic perversion,” according to Samuel Mergui.
What is the origin of the word?
Psychopathy comes from the Greek words: psychesoul (« esprit, âme ») et pathos, πάθος (“suffering, accidental change”). The psychiatrist Philippe Pinel (1745 – 1826) was the first to describe non-psychotic individuals devoid of scruples. The term “psychopath” was eventually introduced by Julius Koch (1841 – 1908) but was first developed by the Canadian psychologist Robert Hare (born 1934).
Psychopath or sociopath: what is the difference between these two personalities?
In reality, the distinction between the psychopath and the sociopath is the subject of disagreements and numerous contradictions.
“According to Robert Hare, the first psychologist who developed the notion of psychopath, the latter is a being as devoid of empathy as of self-control. He is a brutal and marginalized offender. Furthermore, the sociopath (according to his original definition) would not have more scruples regarding acting badly but would not present the same impulsiveness », according to Samuel Mergui. This conception therefore describes the sociopath as an “improved version” of the psychopath with a faculty of self-control.
However, for other experts, these two conceptions are reversed: the psychopath is a cold, malicious and calculating being, while the sociopath is destroyed by his passion. “Defining one or the other is therefore a simple question of point of view,” concludes the psychologist.
Psychopath and narcissistic pervert: is there a link?
If the question is asked, there must be a link. For Samuel Mergui, psychologist: “The antisocial personality criteria of the DSM V include some characteristics of narcissistic perversion when they mention cheating for profit or pleasure.” Let us add that Robert Hare, the first psychologist to develop the notion of psychopath, describes the latter with affect disorders, relational difficulties and narcissistic traits.
However, it is obvious that psychopathy is not synonymous with narcissistic personality as described by psychiatry (DSM V). Indeed, “the psychopath does not spend all his energy on improving his self-image. Nor does it associate overvaluation of oneself and devaluation of others. Finally, he does not experience sadistic pleasure in belittling or denigrating another person,” according to psychologist Samuel Mergui.
Psychotic, schizophrenic and psychopath: concepts not to be confused
Psychotic disorders are defined by a psychological state of loss of contact with reality. We more commonly speak of “ madness “. Psychiatry, in its reference work, the DSM V, presents the different mental pathologies which belong to what we formerly called psychoses. Among them, the schizophreniadefined by a chronic distortion of thought, perception, and a disconnection with reality.
Thus, the psychopath is not psychotic or schizophrenic since he is connected to reality and aware of his actions. Furthermore, the psychopath displays malevolence, which is not a characteristic of people suffering from psychotic disorders.
Symptoms: how does a psychopath act?
It is difficult to give a list of the symptoms of psychopathy because of the contradictions and amalgamations between this notion and that of sociopathy or antisocial personality in the DSM V. However, here are several criteria which might make one think that an adult individual (over 18 years old) has traits that relate to psychopathy:
- a absence of remorse or guilt ;
- a indifference to danger (unconscious person);
- and reckless disregard for one’s safety and that of others ;
- dishonesty;
- selfish behavior;
- a impulsiveness or on the contrary a coldness and one self-control in carrying out harmful acts;
- an attitude irresponsible ;
- a tendency to manipulate the other ;
- a inability to conform to social normsto laws or common morality;
- a lack of personal ethics or the adoption of unhealthy ideologies (racism, Nazism, etc.);
- of the behavior punishable by arrest ;
- a tendency towards concealment ;
- a tendency to deceive for profit by lying or using pseudonyms or scams;
- a difficulty planning ahead (person with little foresight) or on the contrary ability to organize a malicious design ;
- a tendency to be irritable or aggressive ;
- acts of violence physical (fights and frequent attacks) or psychological;
- a inability to take on a job ;
- a inability to meet financial obligations.
It is important that many of these symptoms appeared in adolescence (sometimes with warning signs in childhood) to consider a psychopathic personality disorder.
A characteristic face and look: how to recognize a psychopath?
A recent 2021 study concluded that people with psychopathic personality traits would be less expressive, have a fixed gaze, and a static head position.
Psychopaths: the first victims of themselves
While it is obvious that psychopaths are often dangerous individuals, it is important to remember that they are dangerous first and foremost for themselves. Indeed, most of the time, these individuals end up isolated from society. “Most of them (especially if they are very impulsive) end up either in prison or without a fixed address and it is very complicated to treat them,” according to Samuel Mergui.
It is not uncommon for some to experience episodes anxious or depressed or even addictive behaviors (alcohol, drugs, etc.) or suicidal. Let us add that psychopathy can be associated with another psychiatric condition such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or even an autism spectrum disorder (especially if the psychopath is not impulsive). In this case, the support is even more cumbersome and complex.
How does a psychopath behave in love?
You understand, a psychopath is not not able to feel emotions and even less love. However, he is capable of deceiving for profit and if he derives any advantage from his relationship with his or her partner, he will not hesitate to feign attention, especially at the beginning (shortly following meeting). However, usually, relationships tend to deteriorate over time: denigration, manipulation, lies, deception, insults and even violence.
Causes: what is psychopathy due to?
The cause of psychopathy is not known, but some hypothetical factors of antisocial personality (described by the DSM V) have been raised such as:
- genetic factors: studies on adoptions and others on twins confirm a part of the heritability of antisocial and psychopathic behavior;
- biological factors: in antisocials and psychopaths, there would be less connectivity in the part of the brain that regulates emotions;
- environmental factors such as a difficult childhood, having a deviant, impulsive or even alcoholic parent, maternal abandonment during early childhood, a lack of affection, an absence or excess of discipline, unstable family ties from early childhood…
Diagnosing a psychopath: is there a test to know?
The diagnosis of psychopath is established by a psychiatrist on the basis of the DSM V criteria which define antisocial personality. Another psychotherapist aware of the issue can also make this diagnosis.
Researchers developed a test, called PCL-Youth, to detect callous and emotionally detached traits in children, which are considered potential predictors of psychopathy in adulthood. These traits include a lack of remorse, empathy, guilt, and concern for others, as well as an indifference toward the emotions and rights of others.
Finally, conduct disorder is often considered to precede the development of psychopathy in certain individuals.
Psychopathy: is it treatable?
There is no medication to treat this disorder. Support goes through psychotherapy. The favorable course of the disease depends on the early treatment and the patient’s receptivity to therapeutic work. Note that psychopaths are difficult to treat patients because they are little concerned regarding their mental and physical state. In addition, the alliance with the therapist is generally difficult.
Fortunately, some of them stabilize around their forties, especially if they have managed to find a balance and/or start a family. Samuel Mergui, psychologist.
The treatment of psychopaths is therefore very supervised: teamwork, well-defined framework, frequent supervision of the team, etc.
Several approaches can be considered: group therapy with a psycho-educational dimension, motivational techniques or even cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT). Treatment of related addictions (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.) is also necessary. These means can provide hope for improvement and social reintegration.
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