What holiday is today, May 12, 2024

On this date, International Mother’s Day and Hedgehog Snoring Day are celebrated today.

What a holiday today in Ukraine and in the world / UNIAN collage, photo ua.depositphotos.com

Holiday May 12 – International Mother’s Day, Hedgehog Sniff Day, International Nurse’s Day, Red Hill, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Day, International Plant Health Day. May 12 is the 132nd day of the year (133rd in leap years) according to the Gregorian calendar. There are 233 days left until the end of the year.

What a holiday today in the world and in Ukraine

May 12 is a holiday celebrated in various countries and states – in some of them the celebrations are quite humorous, but, in general, these are serious dates and events:

  • Cat Festival – Belgium.
  • Memorial Day of Saint Andrew the First-Called Apostle – Georgia.
  • Railway worker’s day – Serbia.
  • Father’s Day – Romania.
  • Children’s Day – Great Britain.
  • Nut Fudge Day, Hospital Day – USA.
  • Day of St. Vasyl Ostrozki – Montenegro.
  • Finnish Self-awareness Day – Finland.

On May 12, Ukraine can also celebrate International Nurses Day and congratulate employees on their professional holiday.

Important events in the history of May 12

  • 996 – the first stone temple in Russia – the Tithe Church – was consecrated in Kyiv.
  • 1364 – Jagiellonian University was established in Krakow – one of the oldest universities in Europe and one of the largest in Poland.
  • 1929 – the organization of writers of Western Ukraine “Grono” was established in Lviv.
  • 1935 – the first Alcoholics Anonymous club was founded in the American town of Akron, Ohio.
  • 1962 – the death penalty for sabotage was introduced in South Africa.
  • 1969 – the Law on Lowering the Voting Age from 21 to 18 was passed in Great Britain.
  • 2022 – the event horizon telescope received an image of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*).

What a church holiday today, May 12

Believers who switched to the new calendar of the OCU should know what Orthodox holiday is today – on this date we celebrate Antipascha and the day of memory of Reverend Amfilochius of Pochaivskyi. According to the old style, believers celebrate a church holiday on May 12 – the Day of Remembrance of Saint Memnon the Miracle Worker and the Day of Remembrance of the Nine Holy Martyrs of Kyzichny.

Signs and prohibitions on May 12 – what can and cannot be done

Our ancestors went to healers on May 12 to improve their health and performed various rituals aimed at improving their well-being. For example, at 12 o’clock in the followingnoon on May 12, you can go to an intersection where a strong wind is blowing, put your face to the sun and ask the Nine Healers to rid a person of diseases.

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Folk signs regarding the weather:

  • clear sky and bright sun – summer will pass with good weather;
  • the evenings are warm – there will be a lot of harvest;
  • ants are running and looking for dry land – the rains will come soon.

It is strictly forbidden to sit at home on May 12 – in the old days it was believed that such behavior would lead to diseases and health problems. It is better to go outside and be under the sun’s rays. You should also not share your plans with others, otherwise unforeseen circumstances will disrupt them.

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