What holiday is today, July 20, 2024

On this date, the Day of pies with raspberry jam and the Day of new friends are celebrated.

Traditions and signs of July 20 / UNIAN collage, photo ua.depositphotos.com

Holiday July 20 – Nap Day, International Cake Day, International Chess Day, Border Walking Day, International Moon Day, Space Exploration Day, World Jump Day.

July 20 is the 201st day of the year (202nd in leap years) according to the Gregorian calendar. There are 164 days left until the end of the year.

What a holiday today in the world and in Ukraine

The holiday is celebrated on July 20 in many countries of the world – find out exactly what and where it is celebrated on this date:

  • Pennsylvania State Day, Prediction Cookie Day, Lollipop Day, Could Have and Should Have Day, Ugly Truck Day – USA.
  • Tree planting day – TSAR.
  • Friendship Day – Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil.
  • Peace and Freedom Day – Northern Cyprus.
  • Independence Day – Colombia.
  • Feast of the Savior – Italy.
  • Ilyin day – Bulgaria.
  • Engineer’s Day – Costa Rica.
  • Aviation Day – Romania.

As for what is the holiday in Ukraine today, there are no national holidays on July 20 in our country.

Important events in history on July 20

  • 1534 – the world’s first publishing house was registered in Cambridge.
  • 1810 – the creation of the independent Latin American state of Colombia was announced.
  • 1871 – The province of British Columbia was included in Canada.
  • 1877 – the beginning of the history of animation.
  • 1917 – the trademark “BMW” was registered.
  • 1924 – the International Chess Federation – FIDE – was founded in Paris. It is celebrated as International Chess Day.
  • 1940 – The American music magazine Billboard published the first list of the most popular songs.
  • 1944 – failed attempt on Adolf Hitler.
  • 1976 – the first studies on the surface of Mars were carried out.
  • 1993 – introduction of Lithuania’s own currency – lit.
  • 2005 – the law on same-sex marriage came into force in Canada at the national level.

What a church holiday today

According to the calendar adopted by the OCU, Orthodox Ukrainians celebrate the day of memory of the prophet Ilya on July 20. According to the old style, Christians celebrate the day of memory of St. Thomas Malein.

What is the holiday today – what can and cannot be done on July 20

Folk signs indicate that on this date our ancestors celebrated the holiday of July 20 “Avdotya Senognoyka” – this meant that a sickle wrapped in a towel must be brought to the field. Then remove the towel, wrap the first sheaf, take it to the church, consecrate it and leave it at home under the icons. After the sowing and gardening work is over, it is this sheaf that should be used to drive insects out of the house, and to feed livestock on Pokrov.

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Folk omens about the weather on July 20:

  • the sky became cloudy – to the deterioration of the weather;
  • spiders weave a new web – the weather will improve;
  • it rains in the morning – to a bad harvest.

It is strictly forbidden to wear any bright jewelry on July 20 – you can attract unnecessary attention of evil spirits. It is also undesirable to wash things and do any housework. It is also impossible to refuse help to anyone, otherwise you will soon need it yourself.

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