What holiday is today, January 31, 2024

The national holiday on January 31 is known as Nikita Pecherskyi, Athanasius Lomonos, and Athanasius Day.

What a holiday today, January 31 / UNIAN collage, photo ua.depositphotos.com

On January 31, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine honors the memory of the holy martyr and recluse Nikita of Kyiv-Pechersky, as well as the silverless Kir, John, Athanasius, Evdokia and Feoktysta, in a new style. According to the old style, the Greek holiday of Athanasius the Great was celebrated on January 31.

The patron saint of this day, Nikita Pecherskyi, was considered by the people to be a protector once morest fire and lightning. They prayed to him with a request to protect the house from fire and lightning, and also asked him to cure eye diseases and improve vision. This folk holiday is considered successful for the treatment of eye diseases.

In ancient times, this day was considered dangerous due to frosty and very unpredictable weather, severe frosts and strong winds. On the holiday of January 31, our ancestors tried not to leave the house unnecessarily and not to go on a long trip. People were afraid of getting lost or getting sick on the way.

On the national holiday of January 31, people tried not to quarrel with sorcerers, witches and other people with magical abilities. It was feared that on this day they might successfully impose any dark ritual such as an evil eye or corruption. They also tried not to anger their enemies.

On the last day of January, the peasants went around the cellars, storerooms and barns, and looked at how many supplies remained until the end of winter. If the stocks of fodder and straw were already running out, they went to the market for new ones, and the amount of fodder was cut for livestock.

January 31 is a good day for establishing good relations with the family. If possible, this date should be spent with relatives. Also, the date is lucky for a wedding. During this period, Ukrainians had a wedding season.

January 31 – the sign of the Zodiac

People born on January 31 under the Zodiac sign – Aquarius. Birthday people on January 31 are brave, selfless and independent. They really don’t like being commanded. They don’t tell much regarding themselves and hide their personal lives. People born on January 31 rarely share their worries and anxieties, as they do not like to be pitied.

January 31 is a holiday in Ukraine / photo ua.depositphotos.com

What not to do on January 31

This date is considered dangerous among the people due to the increased risk of quarrels and conflicts. On this day, people often curse and remember old grudges. If you do not want to quarrel with loved ones, then you should not participate in conflicts on this day.

You should not leave the house and go on a trip unless absolutely necessary.

To baptize a boy on this day – to problems with his male health in the future.

Not the best day to move. According to the signs, old problems and diseases will move to a new home.

You should not tell strangers and people you don’t know regarding your income, big purchases, promotion at work, otherwise envious people can steal or spoil your reputation.

Weather signs on January 31

There are the following signs regarding the weather on this day:

  • If no ice is visible on the reservoirs, then spring will be early.
  • A thaw on this day portends a rainy summer and a poor potato harvest.
  • A blizzard and a blizzard portend late spring.
  • The night is clear – to a sunny and snowless February.
  • Firewood burns poorly and hisses – it will soon warm up.

It is important to note that nowadays the climate has changed a lot, and not all ancient omens are relevant for us.

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