what holiday in Ukraine in 2024

what holiday in Ukraine in 2024

March 1 – many Ukrainians were waiting for these words, because spring has finally arrived. In addition to the spring holiday in the soul, today is a remarkable and eventful day! In our article, we tell you what holiday March 1 is, as well as customs, traditions, and omens.

March 1 – what a holiday today: a complete selection of holidays and traditions

World Immunity Day

World Immunity Day was established to remind people of the need to take care of and strengthen their health, as well as to spread information regarding immune diseases. This holiday has been celebrated since 2002 at the initiative of WHO.

World Civil Defense Day

This day was introduced to remind regarding the importance of civil defense knowledge. Today, Ukrainians know how important it is to have skills in tactical medicine, defense and self-defense. Do not forget to congratulate the rescuers and police officers on their professional holiday!

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Zero Discrimination Day

The Day of Zero Discrimination was introduced in order to fight once morest all types of discrimination. On this day, you can learn what discrimination is and how not to do it to others.

Employee Thanksgiving Day

A significant part of the team’s success depends on the leaders and their ability to create a working atmosphere. Employee Appreciation Day is celebrated on March 1 to remind of the importance and value of gratitude. But skillful managers give thanks not only on holidays! So don’t forget regarding gratitude and add a new good habit.

World Compliment Day

In addition to the day of thanks to the employees, the day of the compliment is also celebrated! Spring awakens everything beautiful around, so give a few nice words to your relatives, friends, acquaintances or colleagues.

Vacation planning day

March gradually reminds us of the approach of summer, so March 1 is also celebrated as Vacation Planning Day. If you have no idea how to spend it, come up with something crazy to remember for the rest of your life!

World Music Therapy Day

World Music Therapy Day is a big holiday all over the world. It was dedicated to the healing power of music and the work of music therapists. You can conduct music therapy even on the way to or from work – turn on your headphones and your favorite songs!

What is the holiday in the church calendar today and to whom do believers pray

According to the New Julian church calendar, on March 1, believers honor the venerable martyr Evdokia. She was beautiful, but led a promiscuous life. One night, Evdokia heard the Holy Scriptures being read aloud.

After that, she became a Christian, gave away her property and applied to a nunnery in Syria. Later she became his abbess. God gave her the gift of raising the dead. She was tasked with resurrecting the earth from winter.

Signs of March 1, 2024

  • It snows – to generous harvests of grain in the summer, and mushrooms – in the fall.
  • It has rained – the summer will be warm and humid.
  • Screaming finches – wait for cold weather.
  • Strong wind at night – warming soon.

What can’t be done today

On March 1, you cannot borrow or lend money. Also, don’t refuse help to needy people, don’t quarrel and don’t gossip. Do not go to the forest on this day. You can’t be idle and lazy.

Memorable events of March 1 in history

  • In 1498, Vasco da Gama sailed to Mozambique.
  • In 1565, the city of Rio de Janeiro was founded in Brazil.
  • In 1918, Kyiv was liberated from the Bolsheviks by the troops of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and Germany.
  • In 1947, the International Monetary Fund began its activities.
  • In 1991, there was a strike of Donbas miners with political demands.

Name day today

According to the new church calendar, the following names are celebrated on March 1: Anton, Antonina, Vasyl, Veniamin, Anna, Daryna, Evdokia, Ivan, Mykhailo, Motrona, Nadiya, Olga, Nestor, Oleksandr, Oleksandra, Petro, Jan.

Earlier we told when we celebrate the Annunciation 2024.

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