What helps with gastroenteritis – healing practice

Young woman sitting on the sofa and holding her aching stomach

Symptoms of a gastrointestinal infection include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. (Image: leszekglasner/stock.adobe.com)

What can help with stomach flu

Persistent nausea, constant vomiting and diarrhea that can hardly be stopped: one Abdominal influenza (also stomach flu or Gastroenteritis called) can significantly impair life. The good news is that the illness usually doesn’t last too long home remedies can relieve the symptoms.

As the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) on their portal “infektionsschutz.de“ writes, gastrointestinal infections are by far the most common infectious diseases worldwide. They are usually triggered by bacteria or viruses such as the norovirus. In a current Contribution The renowned Mayo Clinic (USA) explains what can help with a so-called stomach flu.

Different ways of transmission

Gastroenteritis can be caused, among other things, by the norovirus — a highly contagious pathogen most commonly transmitted through personal contact or contaminated food or water, or by touching contaminated surfaces, explains Dr. Jay-Sheree Allena family doctor at the Mayo Clinic.

The time between infection and the appearance of the first signs of illness is between six and 50 hours website of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.

The disease usually begins with severe vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms usually last 12 to 60 hours. In addition, stomach, muscle and headaches as well as fatigue and fever can occur.

Some people are particularly at risk

Such infections can be particularly dangerous for senior citizens or people with a weakened immune system as well as for small children. Because an acute gastrointestinal infection always leads to increased fluid loss, the public health portal of Austria “Gesundheit.gv.at” explained.

The body loses valuable salts (electrolytes) and water. The result can be dangerous dehydration (dehydration). If not enough liquid is then supplied, this can lead to unconsciousness and subsequently to death.

Pay attention to fluid and mineral balance

also dr Allen points out that one of the most important things to do when you have a stomach flu is hydrated to stay. Drink plenty of fluids and follow a bland diet such as crackers, broth, or water. Minerals are also important. This bland diet is well tolerated by most people.

However, for the first few days you may not feel like eating or drinking, and you may also be very tired. The doctor therefore recommends using the smartphone Timer to ask, which should remind “something to eat or at least something to drink to stay hydrated”.

In addition, home remedies such as a warm cherry pit pillow or a hot-water bottle can help with gastrointestinal flu.

When medical help is needed

If the symptoms cannot be brought under control in regarding two to three days, it should medical help be searched. Patients at risk should see a doctor immediately.

Among other things, they can experience circulatory problems up to and including collapse, and in very severe cases there is even a threat kidney failure. In the case of severe disease progression, the fluid loss must be compensated for by infusions.

The same applies to otherwise healthy adults: if severe circulatory problems occur or muscle cramps, drowsiness or confusion as well as high fever, a doctor should always be consulted. This also applies if there is blood in the stool or if the vomiting diarrhea lasts longer than three days. (ad)



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