What help to buy a computer?

The purchase of a computer represents a significant budget. This is why organizations such as Pôle emploi or the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) have set up several grants dedicated to computer equipment. Find out what assistance you are entitled to when buying your computer.

Local aid to buy a computer

If you are looking for credit or help to buy a computer, the CAF, Pôle emploi and certain universities offer to help you under certain conditions.

CAF: computer equipment loan

computer purchaseIf you want to buy a computer, you can get a zero rate CAF loan. Here are the award conditions:

  • You are a CAF recipient
  • You have a dependent child over the age of 10
  • Your resources respect certain ceilings
  • The computer must be new and cannot be purchased online

You have 24 months to repay the loan. Its maximum amount is €600.

To note : if you are a beneficiary of the RSA, you have just as much right to this loan. If you think you can benefit from it, you can use the RSA simulator made available by Mes Allocs.

Pôle emploi: help for job seekers under 26

Pôle emploi can help you finance your computer. For that it is necessary :

  • Be a registered jobseeker under the age of 26
  • Have income that does not exceed €300 net per month

University: aid for students

Only scholarship students are eligible for university aid. Indeed, some universities can award a scholarship for a laptop.

Eg: The Jean Monnet University of Saint-Étienne allows you to take advantage of aid of €250 aimed at acquiring a laptop PC for students with a baccalaureate degree and above.

To note : the CROUS (Regional Center for University and School Works) awards a “merit bonus” to students who have 16 average or more at the baccalaureate. The premium can be up to €900.

The student loan guaranteed by the Government

computer purchase helpTo buy a computer, it is possible that the state stands surety if ever you do not repay the loan to the bank. For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • You must borrow money from a contracted bank (15,000€ maximum)
  • You are under 28
  • You are a graduate of higher education in France
  • You are a French citizen or a citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA)

To note : you can repay the loan at the end of your studies.

Regional aid for buying a computer

You want to buy a computer, but you don’t know how to finance it? You may be eligible for assistance offered by your region.

Which region helps to buy a computer?

Some regions offer students a helping hand to obtain a computer as part of their education. To find out, you should check with your Regional Council.

Here are some examples of regions that offer a budget allowance; resource envelope for those who don’t have a lot of money:

Regions Financial help Conditions
Poitou-Charentes 100€ Live in social housing in the department
Champagne-Ardenne Between 200 and 400€ Be a scholarship student under the age of 27 who is starting their 2nd year in higher education
Occitania Between 80 and 200€ Be a high school student in second year or an apprentice in 1ʳᵉ year of CAP + form the request before the end of the 1is quarter

To note : in each department, the amount of aid is calculated according to your family quotient.



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