what he told the judge –

Moussa Sangare, the 30-year-old who confessed to the murder of Sharon Verzeni, during questioning this morning in the Bergamo prison, where he has been in a single cell since last Friday, “answered the questions” of the investigating judge Raffaella Mascarino and “substantially confirmed the statements he had already made”, said his lawyer, Giacomo Maj, leaving the prison in via Gleno.

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During the approximately two-hour interrogation, in the presence of the lawyer and the prosecutor Emanuele Marchisio, Sangare – according to his defense – confirmed both that he had threatened two children before killing Sharon, and that he had practiced with the knife on a statue of a woman in the park of Terno d’Isola, as well as with the cardboard with the drawing of a face, found by the carabinieri in the house of Suisio. The confessed offender also “explained some actions that were done in the following days”, from getting rid of knives and clothes, to cutting his hair and making changes to the bicycle he used that night, so as not to be traced. It is not known whether in the thirty days that passed between the murder and the arrest Sangare had ever returned to Terno d’Isola, the town where the crime took place, a few kilometers from Suisio, where the 30-year-old lives.

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“It does not appear” instead – said the lawyer Maj according to what Adnkronos reports – that the 30-year-old was under the influence of drugs when he killed Sharon “without a reason”, only because “he felt the urge to do harm”. The prosecutor, who accuses Sangare of murder aggravated by premeditation and futile motives, has asked the investigating judge to validate the arrest and apply precautionary custody in prison.

#told #judge #Tempo
2024-09-04 00:59:24



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