What happens to your body when you consume a daily can of energy drink for 12 days? • Al Marsad newspaper

The Monitor newspaper: York University researchers have warned that young fans of energy drinks are more likely to suffer from headaches, sleep problems and be excluded from school. They also increase the odds of drinking alcohol and smoking.

According to “Russia Today”, some packages contain 21 teaspoons of sugar and the same amount of caffeine as three cups of coffee, which does not benefit the waist or health.

Data from Personalize revealed exactly what happens to the body, hour by hour, following you finish drinking a can of energy drinks, even 12 days later.

first 10 minutes

This is the time when caffeine begins to enter the bloodstream, causing the heart rate and blood pressure to rise.

15-45 minutes

This is when your caffeine level peaks, which makes you feel alert and improve focus.

30-50 minutes

So far all the caffeine has been absorbed and the liver will probably react by absorbing more sugar.


This is the time when you are most likely to have a “sugar crash,” when your blood sugar and caffeine levels drop and you may feel tired.

5-6 hours

Approximately 5-6 hours following consumption, will reduce the caffeine content in the bloodstream by 50%.

12 hours

About 12 hours following finishing an energy drink, caffeine is out of the bloodstream in most people, but it varies with age and activity.

Between 12 and 24 hours

If you drink energy drinks regularly, between 12 and 24 hours is when you will begin to feel withdrawal symptoms and may experience headaches, irritability and constipation.

7-12 days

Studies have shown that this is the time it takes for the body to become tolerant of a daily dose of caffeine.



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