What happens to a woman’s body if she hasn’t had sex in a long time?

The veil that hid issues related to sexuality is increasingly being discovered, and the issue has even become discussed on social networks, through content and influencers on sexual relations, consent, security and pleasure.

This is so because many people have concerns regarding sexuality and seek answers to them. One of the issues that occupies the attention is abstinence and the consequences they have for the body, both in the case of men and women.

Whether due to lack of sexual desire, due to conditions of some kind, personal beliefs or any other reason, there are those who can spend a long time without having sexual relations and wonder if this might have any effect on their health.

Whether due to lack of sexual desire, due to conditions of some kind, personal beliefs or any other reason, there are those who can spend a long time without having sexual relations and wonder if this might have any effect on their health. – Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

In this regard, from Flo’s blog, the platform for monitoring the menstrual cycle, they explain that abstinence in females can affect their physical condition, especially vaginal health.

According to the expert, this consequence is usually noticed when returning to sexual life, since it is possible that it is more difficult, and even painful, to have sexual relations.

Should this happen, the US National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus, provides some recommendations so that the sexual act does not generate inconvenience or inconvenience and, on the contrary, all its benefits can be enjoyed. One of these tips is basic: make a correct stimulation prior to the meeting so that the libido is increased and thus be able to facilitate penetration. It can also be helpful to apply relaxation techniques, since stress is one of the factors that lead to sexual problems.

According to Mariano Salinas, psychotherapist consulted by the portal Salud180, Another of the consequences derived from not having sexual encounters for a long time is reflected in the behavior patterns of women, since sometimes they tend to put that ‘accumulated’ energy into other tasks, such as work. This can lead to dissatisfaction, disagreement and frustrations.

Precisely, in the emotional sense, sexuality becomes an important issue for those who maintain some type of sentimental bond, so abstinence or lack of sexual desire can negatively affect the couple, in terms of communication and intimacy.

To the list of cons of not having sexual relations, the portal on emotional well-being Psychology Online points out that complications can occur to rest properly. This is associated with the release of tension that occurs during sex, specifically at the point of climax, as hormones related to happiness and pleasure are secreted, which also stimulate sleep, such as oxytocin and serotonin.

It must be said that abstinence can be an individual decision and, therefore, respectable. When the lack of relationships is associated, rather, with a health problem, it is suggested to seek the corresponding guidance to evaluate which is the most appropriate approach according to the particular condition of each person.

Hygiene tips for sexual intercourse

The sexual act involves intimacy and security in front of the other, as well as understanding that there is both physical and mental exposure. In relation to the first, there are methods to prevent the development of sexually transmitted infections and any other condition, these are:

  • Hand washing prior to sexual intercourse.
  • If possible, take a shower before and/or following sexual intercourse.
  • Pee following having sex.
  • Use barrier methods, such as the male or female condom.
  • Have regular STI tests, even if you have a stable partner.



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