What happens in the body if you drink rosemary tea every day?

Rosemary tea is characterized by its flavor, aroma and its health benefits that include: improving digestion, combating fatigue, relieving headaches and promoting hair growth.

Even a study published last year on Journal of Biomedical Science, of the United Kingdom, points out that rosemary is related to brain health and even helps memory.

As if that were not enough, recently it was also known that its daily consumption and in infusion might help fight inflammation in general, relieving pain, discomfort and swelling. Rosemary tea would have an impact on inflammation in the knees, tendinitis and gastritis.

This plant is rich in antioxidants, and therefore helps to neutralize free radicals and reduces damage to the arterial endothelium, thus keeping blood vessels in good condition, according to the Better Health portal.

The properties of rosemary seem to combat Alzheimer’s, preventing memory loss. – Foto: Getty Images

rosemary tea


  • 5 g of fresh rosemary leaves.
  • 250 ml of boiling water.


  • Wash the leaves well, and boil the water aside. Once it boils, add the rosemary and let stand for three to five minutes, properly covered.
  • Strain, drink warm and unsweetened. This tea can be ingested three to four times a day. Furthermore, this tea can also be used to wash your hair.
  • There is no defined time for the intake of this tea, however, phytotherapists usually recommend it for three months and rest for a month.

Other benefits of drinking rosemary tea every day

purifies the liver

  • Rosemary might improve the functioning of the liver and reduce the headache that arises following having eaten in excess, mainly foods with a high fat content or even excessive alcoholic beverages.
  • However, it should not be used in case of liver diseases without medical guidance.

Fight mental fatigue

  • Several studies have proven the benefits of rosemary for brain function, which is an excellent aid for periods of stress.
  • In addition to this, the properties of rosemary seem to combat Alzheimer’s, preventing memory loss.

Helps control diabetes

Improves circulation

  • Rosemary has an antiplatelet effect, so it is very useful for those who suffer from circulatory problems or who need to rest for a few days.
  • In addition, it improves blood circulation and prevents the formation of thrombi, which might obstruct circulation. Hence, ingesting it following surgery can be of great help.

Promotes hair growth

  • Unsweetened rosemary tea can be used to wash your hair, because it strengthens the strands, helping to combat dandruff and oiliness.
  • It also promotes hair growth because it improves circulation to the scalp.

Recommendation: It is important to be careful of its regular consumption, since it can interact with some medications, so it is recommended that before taking it you consult your doctor. It has been found, for example, that people with gallstones or pregnant women should avoid it.



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