What happens if Javier Milei wins?: The seven reforms he promised in his government plan

2023-08-14 17:03:00

The presidential candidate Javier Mileywhich with almost all of the scrutinized tables It is the most voted at the national level, it presented the La Libertad Avanza plan days ago with seven points where it proposed from the privatization of public companies to the payment of public education and health services.

“The Argentine state is the main cause of the impoverishment of Argentines. Not only because of its elephantine size that makes it unpayable, but also because of the tangle of regulations that arise from each of the state offices that hinder the functioning of the economy,” He begins by saying the 34-page text where the economist who defines himself as an “anarcho-capitalist” gives indications of the policies he would implement if he reached the government.

What are the ministries that Milei would leave “out” if she became President

In those first few paragraphs, Milei details that of the current 18 ministries, she would only keep seven and add one. There he mentions Economy, Justice, Interior, Security, Defense, Foreign Relations, Infrastructure, while he would add Human Capital.

During this first item, which he called “State Reform”, the national deputy proposes eliminating all cabinet chiefs, appointing a “control” area in the ministries to control public spending and, in addition, not firing “any career employee of the state”, but rather “reallocate them where they are needed”.

The effusivity in Javier Milei’s bunker.

economic reforms

The second point questions the bureaucracy and speaks of a model “that doesn’t work” and “will never work”, to first propose that it must have limited status, free trade, and respect for private property.

When disaggregated, Milei proposes a drastic reduction in public spending (15% of GDP spending), tax reduction (90% of current taxes); labor modernization (it proposes to imitate the “UOCRA model” with unemployment insurance, where it assures that it would generate 8 million jobs); commercial opening (allowing 8 million jobs and allowing Argentines to “buy products from anywhere in the world freely”); monetary reform (the main one is to eliminate the Central Bank); energetic reform; investment promotion and agricultural reform.

In no section, however, is there reference to a dollarization of the economy.

Lali Esposito warned of the “danger” of the result of the PASO 2023 and her followers answered her

judicial reform

According to the libertarian program, justice no longer functions as a defender of individuals, bell for “pursuing opponents or favoring friends”. That is why he proposes to “depoliticize” it.

Among his most outstanding points, he talks regarding naming the missing Supreme Court judge, electing a Minister of Justice “respected in the Judiciary” and also an Attorney General of the Nation, a position currently held by Eduardo Casal on a provisional basis for the resignation of Alejandra Gils Carbó on October 30, 2017.

He also talks regarding reforming the Judicial Council, speeding up judicial processes and transferring justice that he names as “national” to the city of Buenos Aires.

Human capital

At this point, the idea of ​​reforming the ministries of Health, Social Development, Labor and Education was developed, replacing them with that of Human Capital.

There it is clarified that the Argentines who receive social assistance are “the victims of the system”, clarifying that they will not eliminate social assistance (including social plans) until economic activity stabilizes.

On the other hand, expresses that to achieve better health and education systems, both must be remunerated. In turn, it focuses on lowering the numbers of child poverty with nutrition plans and incentives for students to complete their studies.

Javier Milei was the candidate with the most votes in the PASO of Córdoba, acknowledged Juan Schiaretti

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Javier Milei celebrating his performance at PASO 2023.

security reforms

“The function of the security forces, and even the state, is to suppress crime. There should be no half measures here,” the libertarian government plan begins by saying in that item.

Then he proposes to support the security forces politically, not consider the offender as a “victim of the system” and adopt the doctrine of “which he makes pay“. This last point is disaggregated by proposing reforms in the law on internal security, national defense, intelligence, the penitentiary service, and ends by saying that the fight once morest drug trafficking should be prioritized, strengthen the internal security council, stop “the land occupation” in the country and ensure free transit.

Libertarian enthusiasm: Javier Milei’s followers fill the Hotel Libertador following the PASO 2023 elections

defense policy

In section number three, the government plan of La Libertad Avanza talks regarding considering the members of the Armed Forces “heroes” and “thanking them for their services” on a daily basis.

Specifically, they state that a technological change must be carried out, a better investment in equipment, talks regarding “recovering” the prestige of the Armed Forces at a national and international level and reformulating the intelligence system.

External relationships

In this item two principles are proposed: the defense “of all the liberal democracies of the world” and “the promotion of free trade” between nations. And it promotes: the reorganization of the Foreign Ministry, the “alignment of foreign relations with all the democratic causes of the world”, the reduction of personnel in that area, discouraging the use of embassies and reducing spending on personnel.

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Finally, two schemes are proposed in this last point. The first of these is to completely eliminate state public works in replacement of a private investment model.

Second, it refers to promoting from the state a development program “for urbanization trusts, neighborhood infrastructure and construction at cost.” He also talks regarding the problem of the housing deficit and explains that the trust system would be the way to solve it. To promote it, it would stimulate private credit for families from the Mortgage Bank.

“We can leave. We can grow. We can return to the path of progress. But for this we need your vote on Sunday 8/13,” the government program closed in its last paragraph.


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