What happens if I don’t vote in these elections in Río Negro 2023?

Next April 16 are the elections in Río Negro to renew the positions of Governor and Lieutenant Governorthe 46 seats of the Legislature, the municipalities of 22 municipalities and authorities of the 35 promotion commissions.

Voting is compulsory for all voters in the province of Río Negro; that is to say, all the people between 18 and 70 years old residing in the province and it is optional for those who are 16 and 17 years old or are over 70 years of age.

Those who have not cast their vote, are not exempt from doing so and have not duly justified it, are considered offenders and for that they will have to pay MORE equivalent to a basic wage to the voter.

Besides may not be appointed to perform public functions or jobs for three years from the electionnor carry out procedures before provincial, municipal or communal organizations, for the
term of one year.

Elections 2023 Río Negro: who does not have an obligation to vote

As established in the Electoral Code of the province, all voters residing in Río Negro are obliged to vote. However there are exceptions. Are exempt los greater seventy (70) years old; the judges and assistants who work in the electoral act and also those who are on the day of the election more than five hundred (500) kilometers from the place where they must vote (to justify the vote they must go to the nearest police station that will issue a written certification).

so are the sick or disabled by force majeure, sufficiently proven; he staff of agencies and public service companies who have to perform tasks and native Argentine citizens and by option who turn sixteen (16) years of age.

Elections 2023 in Río Negro: the candidates for governor and lieutenant governor

– Alberto Weretilneck and Pedro Pesatti, Together We Are Río Negro

– Aníbal Tortoriello and Juan Pablo Álvarez Guerrero, Cambia Río Negro.

– Silvia Horne and Leandro Costa Brutten, Let’s go with everyone.

– Gustavo Casas and Luisa Villarroel, Unity for Victory.

– Gabriel Musa and Cecilia Carrasco, Left Front and Workers (FIT-U).

– Aurelio Vázquez and Dora Rivera, New Movement for Socialism (MAS).

– Rafael Zamaro and Marcela Alejandra Roca, We are Popular Unity.

– Gabriel Di Tulli and Hugo Cecchini, People’s Party of Reconstruction (PPR).

– Ariel Rivero and Sylvia Astuena, First Río Negro.

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