What happens during a hemorrhoid attack?

We all have hemorrhoids, that is, blood vessels in the anal canal or just at its exit. The seated position on the toilet bowl bathroom and thrust, particularly in the event of constipationinflame these vessels and bring them out at the level of the anus, causing the hemorrhoidal crisis.

Symptoms that differ depending on the location of the affected vessels

Internal hemorrhoids cause bleeding and prolapse, that is, the vessels gradually descend and protrude outside. External hemorrhoids cause thromboses, a sort of blue-colored swelling around the anus, which is permanently painful.

Do not refrain from going to the toilet

To avoid the crisis, transit needs to be helped by favoring foods rich in fiber, good hydration and also get into the habit of not holding back the urge tobowel movement. Hemorrhoids are not serious, but patients avoid consulting for fear of the anal examination and often allow a pathology such as a fissure, an abscess, a cancer to worsen.

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