What happened to the empty military schools

This year’s bases and the choices in the computerized report by the candidates highlighted the new trends in the subjects of study, carambolas that took the plunge or launched schools, but also the strange and even paradoxes of this year.

The first look at this year’s bases clearly captured the dip in popular schools – to a degree from the … Waterloo of Physics applicants, with polytechnics, which are historically more vulnerable to performance fluctuations, the biggest victim.

The special feature this year is that some sections of the district have made impressive progress in their admission bases, with the reasons varying by subject and field of study.

Universities in the region, such as the Hellenic Mediterranean University (ELMEPA) and the International University of Greece (DIPAE), saw a significant increase in their admissions base, schools in the distant Didymoteicho shot up to 15,000 points, while schools that had always ensured professional rehabilitation saw the places the blanks.

Panhellenic 2024: Schools of Engineering

The so-called modernization of the TEIs in 2019 left behind a mess in the polytechnics, as the schools were divided overnight into polytechnics (s.s.: such as those of NTUA and all those that existed before) and Engineering Schools (such as these of the University of Western Attica and all TEI departments that became universities).

In 2024, efforts were intensified to match departments and equalize professional rights (a constant demand of graduates of Engineering Schools who were in the air professionally, despite receiving a degree), with the first example being the full matching of professional rights of the Department of Naval Engineering of the University of Western Attica with the counterpart of the National Technical University of Athens.

The result? In the Naval Engineering Department of PADA, the total preferences of candidates soared to 1,855 this year, from 1,204 last year. In fact, 250 people declared it as their first choice, compared to only 108 last year. In the Mechanical Engineering Department of the same Institution, from 1,057 preferences in 2023, this year they jumped to 1,480, doubling the first preference from 44 last year to 84 this year.

At DIPAE, in the Department of Production and Management Engineering, from 2,055 preferences last year, this year they reached 2,715. At ELMEPA, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Heraklion, we had a large increase (almost a doubling of preferences), from 1,085 in 2023 to 2,006 in 2024, with the result that the base from 9,800 last year jumped to 11,395 points.

The mobility for recognition of professional rights shot up low-ranking bases in regional Institutions – against this year’s plunge in admission bases – which, thanks to the assignment of just one Engineering Department, “earned” points in the eyes of candidates.

Vacant positions

Only 54 people declared Mathematics as their first choice at EKPA, which was left with almost 100 vacancies. Correspondingly, in Physics at AUTH only 40 declared the department as their first choice and in total a little more than 700 candidates. And in this case almost 100 positions were not filled. It is not usual for central institutions to be left with vacancies, but the case of these departments clearly records that candidates have turned their backs on the so-called “teaching” schools.

Despite the numerous appointments in recent years, schools of positive subjects do not attract the interest of candidates, as a result of which there is also a significant shortage in the labor market, with private education – especially in the region – finding it difficult to fill the gaps. The reasons seem to be the low salaries but also the huge amount of substitutes who are already in the labor market and are waiting for their appointment.

National Courts 2024: New “Legal”

Psychology schools are now playing with “Law” terms in computer science. The seven faculties of the 1st scientific field are so popular that more than 3,000 people claim admission to one of them. So many claimed this year to be admitted to EKPA Psychology, when in the Athens Law School the number of candidates who declared the school in their computerized form was around 2,000.

Admissions to Psychology schools are constantly on the rise. Even this year, when the bases fell, EKPA Psychology was above Thessaloniki Law School, while Psychology at the University of Ioannina had a higher base than Komotini Law School.

The lowest base for Psychology schools this year was recorded at the school of Demokriteio University of Thrace, based in Didymoteicho. This is the first year of operation of the school in a remote city, which did not deter applicants with high scores (note: the first had 16,650 and the last 15,300 points) to apply to the school.


Pan-Hellenic 2024: Military schools are allowed

The military schools were left with vacancies, for one more year. There used to be a “slaughter” among the candidates for a position in the schools that immediately after graduation offered immediate professional rehabilitation. Now, however, the tide has changed, with applicants turning their backs and the Minimum Entry Basis cutting those who claim it.

The course of the bases is typical of the demand of a school. In 2014, 10 years ago, the Evelpidon Military School (SSE) – ARMS admission base was 16,890 points. This year it dipped to 12,230 points, with just 77 successful candidates to fill 307 places. Vacancies after four years of the Minimum Entry Base being applied and a steady decline in bases have soared to 542.

Another paradox? While the bases of candidates for General High Schools are sinking every year, the bases of candidates for EPALs who claim military schools are shooting up: For example, in SMYA (Administrative and Logistics Support) from GELs the bases were formed at 16,825 points, while from EPALs in 19,560 points. Of course, the positions are much less for EPAL, increasing the competition.

Although many blame the EBE for the vacant positions, professionals in the field of career guidance, such as Mr. Konstantinos Kotios of the Labora company, report to Sunday’s Free Press that there is a shift of candidates towards the departments related to the sciences of Technology, with the permanence offered by positions at military schools no longer being such a big lure.

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