What goals did Iran achieve by attacking Israel?

of Iran Attacks on Israel Even after the debate is still ongoing as to what was the purpose of the attack and what Tehran gained from it, since apparently over three hundred missiles and drones were fired, Israel did not suffer any significant loss of life or infrastructure.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian said yesterday that the “retaliation” against Israel had ended and that Iran would not launch any new operations until it was attacked.

“This operation targeted the intelligence center of the Zionist regime which was used to plan all operations during the last six months, including the recent operation against the Iranian embassy in Damascus,” he said. included.’

“Our armed forces did not target any economic or population centers, even in an attack on a military base, the necessary precision was taken into account,” the Iranian minister said.

On the other hand, Israel has also left the option open by setting an ‘appropriate time’ flag to respond to the lack of US support.

But observers are hoping it doesn’t go beyond the first round.

Israeli spending

Meanwhile, how much Iran spent on this operation is not known, but Israeli media reported on Sunday that Israel spent about one billion dollars to prevent the Iranian attack.

Israeli Channel 12 reported that all Israeli warplanes remained in the air during the attack and did not come to the airfields for fear of destruction in the bombing. Therefore, whether or not the Iranian attack caused any loss of life to Israel, at least it scared it and also spent a billion dollars.


In a post on the social media platform X, Fadi Qur’an, director of the Awaz organization, which closely monitors the Middle East, mentioned a class he took on military strategy at Stanford University in the United States. America decides to attack Iraq with a new stealth jet that has never been used before and which defeats all radars and the attack is successful, so was it strategic?’

Many people in the class raised their hands and said, ‘Yes, he achieved his goal.’ But the professor said: ‘It might not have happened.’ Why?

He insisted that it was not strategic because your opponents knew your abilities and would soon break it. If this attack can be carried out with conventional weapons, they believe, it is better to keep your best weapons secret until you need them.

Fadi Koran’s analysis is that the scale of Iran’s attack, the locations it targeted and the weapons it used, forced Israel to deploy the US and all its anti-missile technologies in the region.

The Iranians didn’t use any weapons that Israel didn’t know about, they just used a lot of them. Experts like Fadi believe the Iranians now have an almost complete map of how Israel’s missile defense system works, as well as the location of US installations in Jordan and the Arabian Gulf. It might not take him long to deal with it now.

Importantly, Iran can now take advantage of all the intelligence it has gained from this attack.

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Iran also achieved another goal by making it the first time since the 1973 Yom Kippur War that a country has directly attacked Israel, previously mostly militant groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas. have been doing

With this, the concept of Israel’s military supremacy has also ended, that no country in the region has the courage to openly confront Israel. This would certainly have increased the insecurity of the Israeli people.

In addition, this attack is also a strong message to Israel that if it attacks Iran or Iranian interests in the future, it will be given a strong response.

Anyone who thinks it was just a drama is missing its context. Armies compete strategy with technique. Putting on a show for the world remains an important factor, but gathering intelligence on the ‘enemy’ is more important.

Nathan Yahoo! And the Israeli regime prefers a quick hot war where they can drag the US in, while Iran prefers a protracted war that would deprive Israel of its deterrence capabilities.

The apparent aim of Tehran’s attack was to maximize spectacle and minimize casualties, as it was extremely difficult to attack Israel from a distance of nearly 1,000 miles. Israel was notified several hours in advance of the departure of the killer drones.

The attack was symbolic. Rather than being fired from a neighboring country by Iran and one of its non-state allies, this was Israel’s first direct attack from Iranian soil.

A quick post on social media platform X by Iran’s future UN envoy shortly after the launch of the attack was clear that Iran was not going any further.

A happy occasion

With this attack, he certainly gave a standing ovation to the Iranian people and his supporters in other countries. The Iranian leadership was forced to attack Israel. It demonstrated its power by launching operations from its own soil, not through proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen or Iraq.

Economically constrained by global sanctions and recession, Iran cannot afford a protracted war. Relatively high-level US intelligence about the operation also suggests that Iran was involved in back-channeling with Western leaders. Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said he had given 72 hours’ notice to neighboring countries, including major US allies.

Iran announced this strategy in January 2020 on behalf of former President Donald Trump Targeting and killing General Qassem Soleimani It was used even after Tehran gave American troops 10 hours’ advance warning before launching a large-scale ballistic missile attack on US military bases in Iraq, including al-Assad Airbase. There were no American casualties in this attack either. The US did not retaliate even then, which averted the threat of a long war in the region.

But nothing can be said with certainty about Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. A strong retaliation by Israel could force Iran to take a tougher stance. Western analysts fear that such a situation could push Tehran toward nuclear weapons.

#goals #Iran #achieve #attacking #Israel
2024-09-01 22:53:56



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