What fruits to eat in the evening to sleep well?

2023-12-01 16:45:00

Our sleep is indeed influenced by our overall lifestyle and eating habits. In other words, a few adjustments to your diet can help you fall asleep more peacefully. Certain fruits are particularly known as “special sleep” foods, but What is it really ? When and how to consume them? Insights from Florence Thorez, dietitian-nutritionist.

How can fruits help you fall asleep?

In theory, fruits might help you fall asleep thanks to their nutritional components. “Some fruits, like bananas, are rich in tryptophanan essential amino acid, precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter itself involved in the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone which regulates the sleep-wake cycle and promotes relaxation », explains our expert.

Furthermore, certain fruits are rich in minerals which play a role in regulating sleep. The most impactful minerals? Potassium and magnesium, found in fruits like bananas, help relax muscles and can reduce stress, promoting deeper sleep. Without forgetting the rich fruits vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B9 (folic acid) involved in many biochemical reactions that regulate sleep.

All fruits are sources of carbohydrates, which increase insulin levels. ” Gold insulin promotes the passage of tryptophan through the blood-brain barrier, facilitating the synthesis of melatonin,” explains Florence Thorez. Finally, some studies seem to indicate antioxidants contained in certain fruits might have a positive impact on the quality of sleep by reducing oxidative stress. Likewise, dietary fiber soothe sleep by promoting healthy digestion which limits gastrointestinal discomfort before sleeping.

What are the best fruits to munch on before bed?

Impossible to draw up an exhaustive list, notes Florence Thorez. As indicated above, it is better to favor fruits rich in tryptophan, carbohydrates, magnesium, niacin, pyridoxine and folic acid, knowing that these components are often present in small quantities in fruits, she specifies. Understand: there is no real sedative fruit! But consumed as part of a balanced diet, some can promote rest and relaxation.

In general, it is recommended to eat a variety of fruits as part of a balanced diet to support good general health, including quality sleep, summarizes Florence Thorez.

As you will have understood, we generally favor dates, bananas, apples, figs, almonds and cashews or even mangoes, but all fruits can be eaten in the evening. The only exception? Fruits rich in vitamin C (red fruits, kiwis, oranges, grapefruit, etc.) are best reserved for breakfast, lunch or snack because they can delay sleep for some people. And if you suffer from gastrointestinal problems, avoid fruits that are too acidic in the evening.

Aren’t fruits too high in sugar?

At the risk of surprising you, there are no “good” or “bad” foods. Naturally sweet fruits can be quite find their place as part of a varied and balanced diet, assures the dietitian-nutritionist. In other words, if you pay attention to your energy balance, you are not at risk of gaining weight because you enjoy a banana for dessert following your evening meal! The same goes for one or two squares of dark chocolate. ” On the other hand, be careful with oleaginous dried fruits in the evening : we tend to eat them in large quantities even though they represent a significant calorie intake! », warns Florence Thorez.

In what form should we consume these fruits which promote sleep?

Better to consume fresh and seasonal fruitsbut you can also opt for juices, smoothies, compotes and preserves without too much added sugar.

When exactly can you consume them before going to bed?

Like all foods, fruits can be eaten in the morning, noon or evening. “If you opt for the evening, consume them at least two hours before going to bed to enable good digestion,” advises the dietician-nutritionist.

Our practical advice for a good night’s sleep!

As you can imagine, diet is not everything. It is essential to establish a good sleep routine:

  • try to go to bed, wake up and eat at the same time every day, including weekends;
  • create an environment conducive to sleep by reducing the light intensity of your room, but also by ensuring the calm and freshness of the room;
  • establish a digital curfew to limit exposure to blue light and favor relaxing activities before going to bed;
  • limit your consumption of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco ;
  • expose yourself to natural light et practice regular physical activity during the day ;
  • bet on stress management techniquessuch as meditation, deep breathing or yoga;
  • avoid checking the time once you are in bedbecause it can increase sleep-related stress;
  • etc.

Obviously, if your sleep problems persist, do not hesitate to consult a health professional to discuss your sleep habits and detect a possible underlying problem!

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