What fashion looked like in the 60s in the Soviet Union, how people dressed in the 60s | e1.ru

The picture, dated 1968, captures a hot summer day. Lycra, a quick-drying fabric from which swimsuits are still sewn, had already been invented by the time this photo was taken (this happened back in 1958), but it would appear in the USSR only in the seventies. Fashionistas of that time were already wearing bikinis with might and main, but often they sewed them themselves from simple and affordable fabrics. By the way, it was in 1968 that the film “The Diamond Arm” was released, in which the heroine of Svetlana Svetlichnaya appears in an emerald-colored bikini.

– There were practically no knitted bathing suits for women at that time. The bathing suits of these women are made of chintz. If you look closely, you can see that they do not fit the figure – the lady on the left has rubber bands sewn into her swimsuit to give the cotton fabric a shape, and the second lady did without them. But on a woman standing with her back to the photographer, most likely, a knitted swimsuit. Another curious detail: despite the fact that women are on the beach, many of them have rather complex styling on their heads.



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