what does the Justice say about the intellectual author

The legal investigation by the posters that appeared once morest Cristina Kirchner took a turn in the last hours and targeted a man linked to the ggovernment of Mauricio Macri.

The man who is in the center of attention is Valentín Bueno, who would be the one who commissioned the work in the printing house. He is the head of the communication agency Latcom LatinAmerica Comunication, who had several jobs in the management of Cambiemos.

In July of last year, the General Audit Office of the Nation focused on the awards that were made in 2017 from the Chief of Staff, in charge of Marcos Peña. In that investigation, the agency highlighted that Bueno’s company received 40% of the total expenditure on official for public roadsan amount of 118.6 million pesos, as published Online Policy.

PROFILE He tried to communicate with Peña, but had no response from the former official.

Valentín Bueno, head of Latin American Communication

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Valentín Bueno, head of Latin American Communication

However, the prosecutor in the caseMauro Terezko, clarified that the name of the accused did not appear in his investigation. While in the investigation carried out by the federal judge Daniel Rafecas an employee of the printing house where the posters came from mentioned Bueno as the person who commissioned the work.

The prosecutor explained in dialogue with Radio Con Vos that the surname of the person who commissioned the posters in the graphics of Morón and Lanús is Méndez and “is linked to local politics.” “The name of Valentín Bueno does not apIt appears nowhere for now, ”clarified the head of the Criminal, Misdemeanor and Misdemeanor Prosecutor’s Office number 4.

Posters  once morest Cristina

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Posters once morest Cristina

In parallel, the investigation is carried out in the federal Justice. There, one of the people linked to the Morón printing press where the tworks mentioned the head of Latcom as the person who would have commissioned the work. Until that moment, Bueno did not appear on the list of people involved.

It is expected that in the next few hours give new statements to deepen the participation of the publicist linked to the Cambiemos government. PROFILE contacted the printer Via Graphic, one of the graphics of the southern zone where it is suspected that the copies were made and they denied that copies of the posters had come from there. They also added that “the director of the company has already denied it in court.”

The first arrested

The night ofLast Thursday the first suspects were arrested to be behind this accusation. In addition, the truck that toured the City to paste the posters was found.

The three people were arrested and the van that made the tours was left behind. disposition of Justice. They found them in Morón.

The names of the suspects who were arrested have not yet been released. It was known that it was a white Fiat Fiorino van. The ride is owned by the company Geovias S.A.which would be dedicated to vehicle rental.




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