What does Paragone know – Time

Gianluigi Paragone

In recent weeks, Beppe Grillo has been making himself known in the name of his status as guarantor of the Five Star Movement: evidently the former guru has a lot of time to waste in keeping up with these things, given that when it really mattered he rationed his words and the grillini would stand in front of his front door waiting to be heard. He has decided to mark his territory, convinced that that territory belongs to him as the feudal lord of a symbol that, however, is not clear to whom it belongs (perhaps the best person to help us could be good old Lorenzo Borrè, the lawyer who has made the various Five Star Movement leaderships see green mice with appeals and various stamped papers).

Beppe Grillo and Giuseppe Conte, we were saying. Grillo is like the old Olympic glory who watches the competitions from the sofa wearing the tracksuit of his time; sometimes he gets up to stretch a bit imagining that sooner or later it will be his turn to return to the platform. But no, it won’t happen: the old glories can coach or comment. Or throw a few tantrums. Beppe has decided to comment by throwing tantrums. He could have coached but he has never been Velasco, rather a Chrono who saves the less dangerous children, as demonstrated by the letter signed by the former parliamentarians, cardboard crusaders of a holy grail now abundantly desecrated.

Atrocious Massacre and Systematic Extermination: Conte Denounces Israel's

Grillo (and all the exes looking for a script) is not credible when he talks about the original spirit and all those things that have now been overcome by a Movement fully in the ranks of experienced political forces. The M5S has become what it is today under the direction of Beppe himself, who when the first Conte government fell, schemed to make an agreement with first the PD and then Draghi, silencing – even with bossy attitudes (not what he accuses of Conte…) – those who opposed it.

Giuseppe Conte – whom I have never spared ferocious criticism – is doing nothing other than the leader of this Movement and he does it every day in the Palace and outside: before he did it as Prime Minister to whom everyone went querulously to ask for favors, now he does it as the leader of a gang that is more in a crisis of electorate than of identity.

Do leaderships wear out? Of course they do, but who can replace Conte? Grillo or one of the eleven exes? Let’s not joke, come on. Patuanelli? Yes, but he could only remain in the Conte line. Raggi? It may be a suggestion but wars are also won if you are capable of thinking tactically. She cannot hold up alone. To really shuffle things around, all that remains is to look towards that container that Dibba is making grow, with clear and precise words. A bit like those of the Cinquestelle before. (Always assuming that the game can repeat itself)…

#Paragone #Time
2024-08-15 00:16:37



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