What does it mean that pregnancy for others is a universal crime? – Zazoom

What Does It Mean That Pregnancy for Others is a Universal Crime?

Well, well, well… if it isn’t the Italian government stepping up to make sure that everyone remembers their good manners when it comes to pregnancy. Who would have thought that “Gestation Per Others” (GPA), or as we common folk call it—surrogate motherhood—would turn into a universal crime? I mean, what’s next? Is it illegal to lend your Netflix password in Italy because that’s technically sharing entertainment?

So, here’s the crux of the matter: the Chamber of Deputies, in a classic display of parliamentary enthusiasm, decided to turn surrogate motherhood into a “universal crime.” It means that even if you decide to pop out a baby for commissioning parents in a country where it’s legal, you could come home to face the music as if you’d brought back an illegal sub sandwich from overseas.

Now, let’s talk implications while I adjust my metaphorical monocle: This law can penalize people even when they participate in GPA abroad, as long as Italy is involved somehow—like a parent who shows up at prom to embarrass you. They’re punishing behaviors based on Italian laws irrespective of local laws elsewhere. Lovely! So, if Aunt Carla is involved in GPA in, say, a more liberal country, she’s still going to face some significant heat back in the old boot.

And for a moment, let’s ponder the legal landscape here. The lawyer Cathy La Torre mentioned in Vanity Fair points out an undeniable snag in all this armor-clad sentiment: to prosecute someone for a crime that occurred in another country, that action has to be considered a crime there too. So, if England decides it’s totally fine to have a surrogate, it’s like Italy saying, “Not in my backyard!” However, you’ve just set off a legal Wild West chase. It’s like yelling “fire” in a crowded theater—and then realising you’ve just inadvertently initiated a game of dodgeball.

Interestingly, this law does bring about the question of regulating body autonomy. Is pregnancy something that should be legislated? At which point does it stop being about morality and start becoming a matter of personal choice? If we’re going down the rabbit hole of claiming pregnancy is a crime abroad, then we’d better ensure there’s a grandparent present for every conception—talk about next-level parenting!

Now, the individuals looking to use GPA are left with a hefty concern: they might end up with a prison sentence or a hefty fine. And let’s just say, “Congrats! It’s a lovely little prison cell you’ll have to decorate if things go south.” One can’t help but feel empathy for the couples out there desperate to become parents, just looking to share their love and anxieties with an innocent child… only to get slapped with legal papers on the way to fulfilling dreams.

It’s clear that tensions are running high in this debate, leaving the lawmakers in a tug-of-war between ethical beliefs and reproductive freedoms, while regular folks watch with popcorn in hand. We may not have the answers, but one thing’s for sure: next time you hear the term "universal crime," you might want to learn how to DiGiovanni around in Italy with a little more finesse while pregnant.

In conclusion, Italy’s recently unleashed legislation on surrogate motherhood embodies a kind of legal theatrics that would make Shakespeare proud—if only he were around to witness this fascinating comedy of errors. So, here’s a thought: how do we navigate the waters of reproductive rights without drowning in irony?

Stay tuned as this riveting saga unfolds!

What does it mean that pregnancy for others is a universal crime? (Thursday 17 October 2024)
The Chamber of Deputies approved the bill to make the Gestation Per others (GPA) crime universal. We talk about crime universal when referring to a crime prosecutable even if carried out abroad. Each State punishes crimes committed on its soil, according to its laws. In the specific case of the so-called GPA, or surrogate motherhood, when a woman carries out a pregnancy in place of a couple or a person, who will acquire parental responsibility for the unborn child, it becomes punishable even if carried out abroad. The question is not totally linear because, as explained by the lawyer Cathy La Torre, who spoke on Vanity Fair, to punish a crime committed in another country, the same should be considered as a criminal offense also by that country or by the international community.

Cultweb.it – ​​What does it mean that pregnancy for others is a universal crime?

Read the whole news on Cultweb.it More news on What does it mean that pregnancy for others is a universal crime?. Read more news from authoritative sources to learn more and stay updated on the latest developments.

Surrogate motherhood becomes a universal crime – clash in the courtroom – After the first green light from the Senate, tensions between the majority and the opposition exploded in the Chamber. The article Surrogate motherhood becomes a universal crime, clash in the chamber comes from Il Difforme. . (Ildifforme.it)

Pregnancy for others (or surrogate motherhood) has become a “universal crime”: what does it mean – . Even if there are strong doubts about its applicability, according to several jurists the law will still have concrete impacts on the lives of people who want to use the GPA: they could in fact face trial, accused of a crime that entails prison or a high fine . The ban is contained in article 12 of law 40 of 2004: the new law is made up of a … (Metropolitanmagazine.it)

In Italy, pregnancy for others becomes a universal crime – The Italian Senate approved a law on October 16 that strengthens the ban on gestation for others (gpa), or surrogate motherhood, making it illegal even abroad. The text had already been approved by the Chamber of Deputies. Laws . (Internazionale.it)

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