What do you need to know if you want to go on holiday with children?

Photo: Pixabay

Photo: Pixabay

In addition to shared memories, traveling broadens children’s world view and provides valuable experiences for a lifetime. Tips on how to plan a vacation are shared by Moonika Maaring, head of daily banking for a private client of Coop Pank, and Kristina Aasanurm, travel consultant of Estravel.

Moonika Maaring and Kristina Aasanurm are both active travelers who have not been afraid to take their children on trips since they were little. According to them, it is worth taking children to explore the world already at the age of three or four months, because the earlier you start taking them on trips, the easier it becomes over time. Below are some suggestions that will help you plan a family trip and make it enjoyable for everyone.

Start with direct trips and trust the experiences of others

“Long flights can be tiring for children,” explains Maaring. In this way, it is most convenient to choose destinations to which you can fly directly at the beginning. However, if transfers are unavoidable, the difference between flights should be as short as possible. When choosing an overnight accommodation, it is worth reading reviews in advance and, according to Maaringu, it is better to choose a hotel where breakfast is included, because it is easier when traveling with children.

For those who do not know how to choose a destination for a family trip, Aasanurm recommends, for example, the Canary Islands and Greece, which have left indelible memories for her children. According to Maaringu, those who are attracted to distant lands should aim for Hawaii. However, he himself would like to go to New Zealand, a safari in Kenya and the Galapagos Islands with his children.

Plan well in advance

If you want to travel with your family, you should not wait until the last minute, but start saving money early. Early planning also gives you more opportunities to find cheaper flight tickets and places to stay, especially if you plan to go during the school holidays. “If you plan longer and have a goal in mind, it’s also easier to set aside your salary,” says Maaring. He also recommends using the logic of multiple accounts, with a separate account for travel. It is also worth looking at bank savings products, whether they are fixed-term or different growth deposits, where you can add money set aside from your salary or investments. “The emotions gained from traveling can also be worth taking out a travel loan and paying back later,” he points out one additional possibility. When doing this, however, the terms of using the loan and the financial possibilities of the family to repay the loan later must be made clear, he emphasizes.

Aasanurm also reminds us that by booking package tours and hotels in advance, you don’t have to pay for everything right away, but you can spread the costs over a longer period. “During the school holidays, the rule is that the longer you buy in advance, the better price you get,” he says. “Besides the breaks in Estonia, you also have to take into account the breaks in the destination, which is why there may be more people and higher prices.”

Before traveling, make sure that all travel documents are present and valid

The validity period of children’s travel documents is shorter than that of adults. If an adult’s passport is valid for 10 years, a child’s passport is only valid for 5 years. Only a parent can apply for a passport for children up to 15 years old. “If you are traveling with a child outside of the European Union and only one parent is accompanying you, you should bring the other parent’s written consent just in case,” suggests Aasanurm. According to him, it is more reliable to draw up a notarized consent, but often only a simple paper is enough. In addition, it is a good idea to take photos of all travel documents in case something gets lost or stolen. For the same reason, it would be wise to have your travel documents, phone, bank cards, etc. keep in different bags.

Be prepared for the unexpected

You should definitely leave a small buffer for unexpected things when planning your travel budget. “When traveling with your family, you may think you have thought of everything, but usually a situation arises where you need extra money,” says Maaring. For such situations, it would be good to take out travel insurance for yourself and your loved ones with the widest possible protection, which will help with transportation, hospital expenses and many other problems. Aasanurm admits that inevitably more happens with small children – either they get sick or it is not possible to go on a trip at all. In these situations, it is often seen that travel insurance, which initially seems expensive, pays off. You should also pack a travel pharmacy with a wider range than usual.

Maaring also adds that the number of some tour operators should be at hand, and if health problems arise in warm countries, you should definitely talk to a specialist immediately, and not remain modest, typical of an Estonian.

“When traveling with children, you have to make a ready-made plan, but also be ready to change it,” he emphasizes that a flexible and open mind makes traveling with children successful.

2024-09-20 12:25:50
#holiday #children



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