What do Vietnamese people do to get rid of former recruits on New Year’s Eve?

New Year’s Eve is the time of transition from the old year to the new year. With the meaning of “to greet the old man”, in minutes EveFrom ancient to present, our people have good customs to welcome the new year.

Picking render year

Lucky draw has become a custom of the Vietnamese people for a long time. The old custom, when the drums signal New Year’s Eve sounds, people go out of the house, break a few branches with young buds to bring home called “picking buds” to pray for good fortune in the new year. In the past few years, after every New Year’s Eve, the gardens in temples and pagodas are ruined like after a storm because people go to pick them, making it an opportunity to destroy the temple landscape.

Illustration. Source: Internet.

Although picking buds is a custom that has existed for a long time, in the past, people used to collect buds in deserted places. According to the book “101 Things to Know About Vietnamese Beliefs and Customs” by author Truong Thin, “Picking of Loc is a good symbolic custom, but should not be abused too much to harm trees and landscapes. ecological environment. In the past, our people used to go to pick buds in deserted places without affecting gardens in public places.

It is not good to cut flowers and branches in pagodas and temples to make fortune, in terms of landscape influence, but also in spiritual aspects, it is not a good thing to do.

Open the pen

Vietnamese people attach great importance to the beginning. Most professions have customs to get lucky and get lucky at the beginning of the year. Traders choose a good day in the New Year to open goods for luck, people who do other jobs also choose a day to make a custom. With the same meaning of finding that lucky opening, Confucian students in the past chose the time of New Year’s Eve to open their pen, praying for good luck in studying for exams in the coming year.

What do Vietnamese people do?
Illustration. Source: Internet.

Content open pen very rich. Sometimes composing a verse, a poem or if they are small students, then copy a sentence or a short passage that adults have prepared for. In the article about opening pen in volume 100 things you should know about Vietnamese customs, the author told that when he was a child, his father wrote the words “Minh Nien opens pen and pen to flower” to go to New Year’s Eve, the author wrote. The author will transcribe that sentence as a pen.

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However, the most popular and well-known in the pen story are the couplets. Many Tet couplets have become famous by Tu Xuong, Nguyen Cong Tru… When he was still living in poverty, Nguyen Cong Tru made Tet couplets like this: “During the evening of thirty years of debt, my legs and feet kicked the poor guy out. door; On the morning of the first day, when he was drunk, he raised his hand and carried him into the house. Or female poet Ho Xuan Huong has a famous Tet couplet: “On the thirtieth night, close the Can Khon wing, tightly lest the devil bring the devil in. On the morning of the first day, loosen the key of Creation, open it up for girls to welcome Spring. about”.

Writing writing in the past was a familiar custom of Confucian students when coming to New Year’s Eve, but today, although almost everyone is literate, this custom is faint, almost no one thinks about it. Europe is also due to different circumstances from time to time.

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