“What Depresses Me” –

Arianna Meloni, a leader of Fratelli d’Italia and sister of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, comments on the disturbing scenarios denounced by Alessandro Sallusti in Il Giornale, which see her at the center of attention of the press and the judiciary to give a push to the executive, so much so that an investigation for “influence peddling” is being considered. “No one compares to a great statesman like Berlusconi. The accusations of mythomania that emerge from the story told of me are fine, but have mercy! I have a sense of proportion”, says Arianna Meloni in an interview with Il Foglio. “What Sallusti wrote was inspired by the book and the statements of Luca Palamara, a former member of the CSM, on a method that evidently existed, and I don’t know if it still exists. Let’s hope not, of course. And then imagine, I’ll try to say it clearly: far be it from me to attack the judiciary. If anything, the attack is against a certain journalism that continually brings me into the picture, describing me as having been grappling with nominations and power plots for two years. This depresses me. Obviously I’ve been involved in politics in Rome all my life, I’ve known a lot of people for a long time, on the right, which is my world, as well as on the left”, argues the FdI representative.

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“I think – adds Arianna Meloni – that I know how to listen to people and that I am fairly objective and balanced. I get annoyed when someone tells my thoughts and then attributes them to Giorgia: it’s a game that has been going on for almost two years now. Too bad that it’s not the Word and that eighty percent of the rumors are self-perpetuating tales”.

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In the meantime, Fratelli d’Italia is ready to launch a training school for managers. A sort of right-wing Frattocchie. Fabio Rampelli, who is responsible for the department of the same name, will take care of it. “What many don’t want to understand – explains Arianna Meloni – is that unlike other political formations, we don’t want to leave the party unprotected and lock ourselves in the palace, moved only by the many things that need to be done in Government. We are rooted, we are present in all the municipalities of Italy, we have a strong and cohesive community and therefore a responsibility. Last year we celebrated a congress season. I can take care of this instead of being seen as a trafficker and a mythomaniac. We are learning to walk – she concludes – on a Tibetan bridge, but obviously not on water. Everyone gives their all and first and foremost my sister and Lollo, the two people I know better than anyone. Often attacked with incredible violence, and I am thinking specifically of Lollo, who instead is doing an extraordinary job”.

#Depresses #Tempo
2024-08-24 17:46:09



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