What complementary foods should the elderly eat?

2024-09-03 13:10:16

How to replenish energy and cheer up the elderly?

Older adults often feel tired and depressed and sometimes need a break Promote help them Regain enthusiasm and vitality ! In the absence of proven pathology or defect, this requires holistic approach Consider diet, physical activity, sleep, and mental health.

food and meals

First, attention must be paid to a diet that provides the energy (calories) and nutrients necessary to ensure vital functions.

For older adults, consuming high-quality protein (fish, poultry, eggs, beans) is critical to maintaining muscle mass and energy. Rebecca Chocron, nutritionist in Marseille.

Meet your vitamin and mineral needs and make sure you get enough antioxidants – youth molecules – Eat fresh fruits and vegetables regularly, as well as oil seeds (sunflower, flax, pumpkin), nut (walnuts, almonds), Fatty fish and vegetable oilsis essential.

What is often overlooked is that a fluid intake Adequate nutrition is also crucial to staying in shape. Older adults tend not to feel thirsty and therefore drink less, but dehydration can cause significant fatigue.

Since appetite often decreases, seniors are ultimately interested in eating nutritious and healthy snacks such as fresh fruit, yogurt, or nuts in addition to their main meals to quickly boost their appetite.

physical activity

There’s nothing better than rejuvenating Get your body movingsecretion Serotonin and dopaminethe precious happiness hormone. Activities such as Take a walk, gentle yoga or swim Great for improving blood circulation, mood and protecting joints.
Mild muscle-strengthening exercises using weights or resistance bands can help maintain muscle strength, thereby preserving energy.
at last, Stretch regularly Helps maintain flexibility and reduce joint pain.

quality sleep

The elderly are prone toInsomnia and to a phase shift. They often tend to go to bed too early and wake up before dawn, and they tend to sleep less.
The important thing is to persist regular sleeping habits Keep a consistent bedtime and wake-up time. and create a comfortable sleeping environment.
Relaxing activities such as reading or breathing exercises can help improve sleep quality.

Mentally and socially stimulating

Isolation and lack of intellectual stimulation are the greatest obstacles to physical health. cruciallyMaintain social connections and continue to meet new people or join community groupsimproves mood and energy.
Fun brain activities, such as memory games, puzzles, or reading, can help keep your mind sharp.

The elderly: What vitamins should the elderly take?

Nutritional requirements As we age, depending on the specific needs associated with each period of life.

For example, certain vitamins are particularly important for older adults, especially because of their role in preventing age-related diseases. Vitamins D, B9, B12, C, E and K are the vitamins most commonly deficient in older people. Rebecca Jocklon

Essential for bone health,Vitamin D Helps in the correct absorption of calcium, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. It also plays an important role in maintaining immune defenses. However, older people tend to be deficient in this substance, both because their skin’s ability to synthesize it from sunlight decreases with age and because they spend less time outdoors and in sunlight. Also helps increase. Vitamin D deficiency is particularly harmful to older adults because it can lead to bone loss, muscle pain, and an increased risk of falls and fractures.

Vitamin B12 suite, Essential for the production of red blood cellsand is required for normal functioning of the nervous system and DNA synthesis, Older people often lack. The latter is less able to absorb vitamin B12 due to reduced stomach acidity, which is necessary to release vitamin B12 from food.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, neurological problems (such as numbness or tingling in the limbs), chronic fatigue, and cognitive problems.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid or folic acid), Also important for the production of red blood cellsand DNA synthesis and nervous system function are also crucial to the elderly. Although folate deficiency is not as common as vitamin B12 deficiency, folate deficiency does occur in older adults, especially if they don’t eat enough or take certain medications that interfere with folate absorption. On the one hand, B9 deficiency in the elderly can lead to megaloblastic anemia On the other hand, masking vitamin B12 deficiency can have serious neurological consequences.

Vitamin CPowerful antioxidant, Support immune defenseaids in wound healing, and Involved in skin collagen productionblood vessels and bones. Insufficient diet or chronic disease can reduce the intake of vitamin C in the elderly. A deficiency can lead to a weak immune system, slow wound healing, and fragile skin.

Vitamin A, take strong action Antioxidantsprotect cells from oxidative damage, limit their aging. Vitamin A requirements increase with age due to increased oxidative stress. If deficient, it may accelerate cellular aging and neurological problems.

essential Blood clotting and bone healththis Vitamin K Some older adults with digestive disorders or who are receiving anticoagulant therapy may be deficient in the vitamin, which may interfere with its normal absorption. A deficiency can lead to excessive bleeding and loss of bone density, increasing the risk of fractures.

What is the best pharmacy food supplement for the elderly?

In pharmacies, there is a wide selection of food supplements, especially in the “seniors” section. However, it is impossible to specify a supplement that is universally recommended for all older adults.

The choice of food supplement will depend on each individual’s nutritional needs and specific needs, which will depend on their overall health and diet. Rebecca Chocron.

However, certain supplements are particularly beneficial for most seniors who lack appetite and struggle to meet all their nutritional needs. For example, multivitamins for seniors are designed to meet their specific nutritional needs.contains appropriate doses of vitamins D, B12, C and E, as well as minerals such as calcium and zinc. They can help fill nutritional gaps, limit the risk of nutritional deficiencies and protect cognitive function in older adults.

Omega-3 supplements Helps support heart health, brain health, reduce inflammation, and Probioticswhich promotes healthy digestion and balances intestinal flora, which is essential for nutrient absorption, and is often recommended for older adults.

no matter what happens, It is recommended to consult a health professional (doctor or nutritionist) to determine which supplements are needed and at what dosage. The goal is to supplement food intake without overloading the body, while considering potential interactions with medications and overall health.

Malnutrition and protein: What high-protein supplements should the elderly with malnutrition and loss of appetite take?

Between increased needs and often reduced intakes, protein deficiency in older adults is a real public health problem. between 10% and 35% of seniors live independently Insufficient protein intake may occur.

protein food supplements can be the solution Effectively help the elderly meet their protein needsEspecially if they have a reduced appetite or a real aversion to meat and meat-based foods.
Typically available in powder, ready-to-drink or bar form, they are easy to consume and can be incorporated into meals, beverages or dairy products.

It is recommended that older adults choose supplements containing high-quality proteins such as whey, casein, soy or pea, which provide all the essential amino acids. Rebecca Chocron.

But be carefulelderly people suffering from kidney diseasethese proteins should be consumed with caution as excessive intake will increase the burden on the kidneys. So for them Strongly recommended to consult a doctor Before adding a protein supplement to your daily diet.

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