In mid-July, speech therapists chose 59.51% to opt out. The latest agreement for speech therapists, R/22 setting the official rates for their services, was approved with indexed rates, at the end of May, by the members of the insurance committee, at the level of the National Institute for Health Insurance- Disability (Inami), and was then validated by the Council of Ministers. From August 1, 2022, speech therapists who have not accepted the agreement can charge supplements to their patients.
Previously set at 28.33 euros per session of at least 30 minutes, the rates have been increased to 29.28 euros, on the basis of indexation alone, with the new agreement. The patient’s share is 5.50 euros and the remaining 23.78 euros are reimbursed by the compulsory healthcare insurance. For patients benefiting from a preferential rate (BIM/OMNIO/VIPO) the rate does not change. The associations of speech therapists demanded a revaluation of the sector to reach 33.40 euros per basic consultation. They had therefore refused, in committee, to sign the sectoral agreement for January 1, which is now imposed without their agreement. This is the first time that a consensus might not be found.
Speech therapists who are not under agreement are free to set their own prices and they can charge a supplement to the patient. On the Christian mutuality side, we expect “that this supplement probably amounts to 4.12 euros, which brings the total cost for the patient to 9.62 euros per session“.