What career to study to earn money: medicine or engineering?

Graduates in Engineering They are professionals who have invested a lot time and effort in obtaining his career, although later this sacrifice is rewarded, normally, with a good financial reward in their jobs. But, currently, some professionals believe that all this work has been in vain due to the current situation of the sector and they regret of not having chosen another type of career, such as Medicine.

This is the case of an engineer Moroccowho has warned that doctors “charge more than them” and that, in the eyes of society, “they have had more prestige for a long time.”

“The doctors work from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and are on duty from time to time. They can live in the provinces and do not have to go to Barcelona or Madrid to work. If they want to go live abroad, they are raffled off and they also charge a pasture ”, he has had an impact.

Different types of specialties and financial compensation

This opinion has caused a debate on reality of this matter and where professionals from all sectors have intervened. Among them, a doctor who has explained that this opinion it’s not entirely true and that there are different types of specialties, some better and others worse financially remunerated.

“For example, Family Medicine is poorly paid. You charge between 2,500 and 3,000 euros plus the guards you do, and with almost no option to enter private healthcare. And if you go abroad, you will also be one of those who earn the least ”, she assured.

On the other hand, he has also stressed that there are “much better” specialties in terms of quality of life, such as Radiology or Ophthalmologywhere you can earn more money both in private healthcare and traveling and working abroad.

What career is better? Engineering or Medicine

Another user has wanted compare Medicine career with Engineering. Thus, he has detailed that in the first there are six years of degree, one of MIR preparation “usually” and then there are four or five of pure residence in which “you do not charge much, approximately 2,000 euros the last year of guards”.

“On the other hand, in Engineering there are four years of degree plus two of master’s. At the age of 24 you start working and you put yourself in a good salary in maximum two years. As soon as you move from company, you double your salary once more and if you handle languages and you are smart, you can place yourself in 50,000-80,000 euros carrying out projects.”

Regarding scheduling issues, this user has recognized that Medicine has “better hours” on a day-to-day basis from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., but that they normally have “at least six monthly shifts” so a doctor ends up doing regarding “65 hours a week.”

Engineering beats Medicine “if you’re a bit smart”

Now, he has continued, the engineers have “a worse schedule”from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with split hours, but on Fridays they arrive home at 3:00 p.m. and “they do not exceed 40 hours a week.”

With these two comparisons, the participant has concluded indicating that Medicine has more stable salaries and a “more agreed” projection, but if you do Engineering and “you are a bit smart and not clumsy” that salary you earn as a doctor “you can duplicate it”.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.

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