What can we expect from FIFA’s call to expel Israel because of…

The site published a report by thePalestine Chronicle that emphasized the call from FIFA to expel Israel due to violations of Palestinian sports rights. This followed the Palestinian Football Association’s request to FIFA for Israel to be held accountable for discrimination and political interference in Palestinian sports. The article critiques FIFA’s double standards in addressing geopolitical conflicts and questions its integrity regarding Israel’s transgressions.

The report, translated by Arabic21, stated, “FIFA President Gianni Infantino’s dismissal of immediate voting on suspending Israel from FIFA foreshadowed that the FIFA Council meeting would end without significant decisions. FIFA delayed the meeting until after the Paris Olympics and then postponed it again, establishing a new deadline of August 31 for further documentation to be submitted.”

This situation followed the Palestinian Football Association’s submission of a draft to the FIFA Congress in Bangkok on May 17, seeking to hold Israel accountable for its violations against Palestinian sports. In early July, Jibril Rajoub, the president of the Palestinian Football Association, made a statement on the Association’s website:

“A draft resolution was presented to the FIFA Congress on behalf of Palestinian sports to hold Israel responsible for its actions since October 7, 2023. For 15 years, we have voiced the same concerns to FIFA, but unfortunately, we have seen them continually postponed from one Congress to the next, and from one committee to another. Now, at a time when Palestinian football faces an existential threat equal to that faced by our people, FIFA must decide whether to remain a passive observer or uphold its core values and human rights commitments, taking a decisive stance and aligning with the right side of history.”

According to Katarina Petlovic, head of the legal team for the Palestinian Football Association, FIFA faces the choice of either adhering to its statutes and human rights obligations or sacrificing its legal principles to protect Israel.

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A report submitted to FIFA by the rights group Fair Square indicated that it had multiple reasons for considering the suspension or expulsion of the Israel Football Association. These reasons included issues such as playing matches in occupied Palestinian territories, systematic racial discrimination, political interference, the killing of Palestinian players by Israel, and the deliberate destruction of Palestinian Football Association facilities, most of which occurred prior to the October 7, 2023 attack.

The website asserted that FIFA is violating its own regulations. Article 4.1 of the FIFA Statutes prohibits any form of discrimination against any country, individual, or group and stipulates penalties of suspension or expulsion for violations.

According to Articles 72.1 and 2 of the Statutes:

Teams and players affiliated with member associations or provisional members of confederations are not permitted to play matches or engage in sporting contacts with players or teams not affiliated with member associations or provisional members without FIFA’s approval.

Member associations and their affiliated clubs must not play in the territory of another member association without the latter’s consent.

FIFA perceives its potential expulsion of Israel as a confrontation and challenge to the United States and the Israeli lobby, suggesting that it is not ready for such a conflict. There is no doubt that FIFA is venturing on a risky path that could lead to significant repercussions if it takes this principled stance. Rather than sticking to its principles, FIFA seems to align itself with the Western context characterized by hypocrisy and double standards.

The website pointed out that FIFA and Israel accuse the Palestinian Football Association of politicizing sports. However, sports and politics are inherently intertwined. There has always been a strong relationship between sports and the political and social issues surrounding them, and sports play a significant role in the public discourse related to politics. Furthermore, these accusations stem from hypocrisy; both FIFA and Israel leverage the situation whenever it suits them, criticizing the Palestinian Football Association when it acts against their interests. In fact, FIFA’s refusal to expel Israel is inherently a political stand.

The first efforts to utilize sports for political and nationalistic aims came from Zionist groups. To disguise its true nature, the Beitar paramilitary organization, whose fans today chant “Death to Arabs” at soccer matches, masqueraded as a sports organization in the 1920s. During the Arab Revolt of 1936, Jewish sports teams maintained close ties with the British to suppress the uprising. Various Jewish sports organizations also had strong connections with Zionist paramilitary terrorist groups, such as the Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, Stern, and others.

The website added that Israel has destroyed sports infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and killed more than 300 athletes, in addition to dismantling the cultural heritage of the entire region, which seems sufficient grounds for sanctions. Surprisingly, FIFA imposed strict measures against Russia shortly after the invasion, while delaying the Palestinian Football Association’s request and providing excuses for this hold-up.

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FIFA’s insufficient excuses are disheartening and undermine the principles established in FIFA’s statutes, reflecting the hypocrisy embedded in its policies. Western media called for boycotting the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, alleging that Russia was persecuting homosexuals at that time. Russia and Belarus were also barred from the Paris Olympics on the pretext of the war in Ukraine, with only a limited number of individual athletes from these countries allowed to participate under stringent conditions of neutrality towards the conflict.

Olympic officials have been pressured to prevent Russian and Belarusian athletes from participating in the 2024 Paris Olympics after being accused of breaching rules for “neutral” competitors. Simultaneously, Israel is dispatching a delegation of around 85 athletes to the Paris Games, reportedly including the Israeli flag bearer who has signed bombs used in the military offensives against Gaza.

As per a report by the Associated Press, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach stated on March 6 that Israeli teams and athletes would be permitted to participate in the Paris Olympics.

The website indicates that this exemplifies the double standards the West employs in addressing varying global concerns, especially visible over the past months with regard to the genocide in Gaza. The Ukrainian flag may be flown in stadiums, yet the Palestinian flag is prohibited; while Russians face sanctions, Israel appears immune to punishment.

There is increasing anger across the Middle East and the globe, not solely regarding the genocide in Palestine, but also in response to the blatant hypocrisy and double standards perpetuated by the West, along with the complicity of many Arab regimes. Despite the West’s assertion of being champions of democracy and human rights, it has failed to uphold these claims concerning Israel. This is reflected in FIFA as well, leading to widespread skepticism about the credibility of Western policy. The West turns a blind eye to Israel, ignoring international law, and frustratingly, continually echoes that “no one is above the law,” when in reality, it appears that Israel is the exception.

The website elaborated that the International Olympic Committee disregarded the Palestinian Olympic Committee’s request to reconstruct sports facilities destroyed by Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip, instead merely extending sympathies to the innocent victims of the conflict. This suggests that both FIFA and the International Olympic Committee do not acknowledge the occupation of Palestine or the ongoing genocide, instead viewing it as a conflict between two equal parties. However, history will not favor those who support Israel while overlooking its brutality, and thus, they should cease their claims of advocating for democracy, human rights, equality, and other values associated with humanity.

FIFA and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Call for Accountability

The Situation at Hand

The Palestinian Football Association (PFA) has made headlines recently by urging FIFA to take decisive action against Israel regarding its alleged violations of Palestinian sporting rights. In light of ongoing discrimination and political interference, the PFA submitted a report citing numerous instances of Israel’s actions that contravene international football governance standards. This call for accountability raises questions about FIFA’s integrity and double standards concerning geopolitical issues in sports.

Historical Context

Since its establishment, FIFA has aimed to promote fair play and equality in sports. However, many critics argue that it has fallen short of these ideals when dealing with sensitive geopolitical situations, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The PFA’s call for accountability is not an isolated incident but a culmination of years of frustration regarding FIFA’s perceived inaction.

  • Political Interference: Palestinian athletes have faced numerous hurdles, including restrictions on travel and participation in international competitions due to Israeli security measures.
  • Destruction of Infrastructure: The systematic destruction of sports facilities in Palestine has severely impeded the development of local sports, impacting both grassroots and professional levels.
  • Racial Discrimination: The PFA’s report has highlighted instances of racial discrimination against Palestinian footballers, drawing attention to the urgent need for FIFA to uphold its own anti-discrimination statutes.

The Call for Expulsion

The latest efforts gained momentum when the PFA officially submitted a draft resolution to the FIFA Congress in Bangkok on May 17, 2023. This request called for the expulsion of the Israel Football Association (IFA) in light of ongoing violations of Palestinian sports rights. However, FIFA President Gianni Infantino rejected immediate discussions on the matter, indicating a postponement of the issue until after the Paris Olympics.

Voices from the Field

Jibril Rajoub, the president of the PFA, has been vocal about the dire need for action. He stated:

“For 15 years we have been raising the same concerns to FIFA, but unfortunately, we have seen these concerns repeatedly postponed from one Congress to another. Now, at a time when Palestinian football faces the same existential threat as our Palestinian people, FIFA must choose between being a passive spectator or upholding its core values and human rights commitments.”

Legal Grounds for Action

According to FIFA’s statutes, any form of discrimination is strictly prohibited and can lead to suspension or expulsion. Article 4.1 specifies that discrimination against any individual or group is punishable under FIFA laws, giving strong legal backing to the PFA’s requests.

FIFA’s Hypocrisy?

The situation raises significant concerns about FIFA’s consistency and integrity. The organization has often been accused of applying double standards when addressing issues involving different countries. While FIFA acted quickly to impose sanctions on Russia due to geopolitical conflicts, similar urgency has not been displayed regarding Israel despite numerous documented violations. This contradiction serves to highlight the selective nature of FIFA’s policies and raises questions about its commitment to human rights.

Comparative Analysis: FIFA’s Actions

Country Action Taken by FIFA Reasons for Action
Russia Banned from competitions War in Ukraine, political sanctions
Israel No action taken Ongoing discrimination against Palestinians

The Broader Implications

This call for accountability goes beyond the realm of sports. It intertwines with broader themes of justice, human rights, and international diplomacy. The ongoing situation in Gaza, which has seen significant loss of life and destruction of property during Israeli military operations, further complicates FIFA’s role and the expectations of sports organizations worldwide.

International Reactions

The international community has expressed mixed reactions to FIFA’s handling of the situation. While some have called for immediate action against the IFA, others caution against politicizing sports. Yet, as history has shown, sports and politics often intersect, making it essential for FIFA to navigate this sensitive terrain with care.

Voices of Dissent

FIFA’s failure to take action has drawn criticism from various stakeholders, including athletes, human rights organizations, and fans. Many view the organization’s reluctance to confront Israel as an endorsement of its actions, raising ethical questions about the role of international sports federations in upholding human rights.

Case Studies: Other Sports Organizations

Other sports organizations have demonstrated varying degrees of responsiveness to political issues:

  • International Olympic Committee (IOC): Has faced criticism for allowing the participation of athletes from countries with poor human rights records.
  • NBA and WNBA: Players have vocally protested against social injustices and police brutality, leading to a broader discourse on sports and politics.

What Lies Ahead?

The ongoing debate around FIFA’s need to address the situation in Palestine will likely continue to gain traction. The resistance to expelling Israel from FIFA could signify deeper geopolitical ramifications, considering the influence of the Israeli lobby and its relationship with various nations, especially the United States.

Advocacy and Activism: A Growing Movement

There is an increasing global movement advocating for Palestinian rights, with many individuals and organizations calling on FIFA to honor its commitment to human rights. This grassroots activism plays a vital role in shaping public opinion and pressuring organizations to act.


The call for FIFA to expel Israel over its violations of Palestinian sports rights highlights a significant intersection of sports, politics, and human rights. As the situation evolves, the eyes of the world will remain on FIFA to see whether it will uphold its statutes and take a stand for fairness and justice in sports.



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