What are your tips for consuming less electricity?

2024-01-16 18:38:21

It is written, we will face a new increase in our electricity bills in the coming days. “No more than 10%”, swore the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire. However, the note that was already painful will only be more painful. And since the French budget is not expandable, if it goes up on one side, it has to go down on the other, otherwise “the accounts are not good Kevin”.

In addition to subscribing to an “off-peak” contract, a “Tempo” option or any other incomprehensible pricing, at 20 Minuteswe would like to get some (legal) tips either to lower our consumption or to lower our bill.

Have you found a way to stop spending money on electricity? Do you know how to save electricity like no other? Tell us all about it in the form below. the idea being to make it an article for the common good.

#tips #consuming #electricity

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