What are the school’s nutrition rules?

2024-09-03 09:02:45

Source: Ministry of National Education and Youth – demarchesadministratives.fr – Octopus HACCP App

What does your child eat for lunch in the cafeteria four to five days a week throughout the school year? Don’t worry, there’s nothing the catering service can do. Whether it is an elementary school where the city government is responsible for running the canteen, or a junior high school or high school managed by each department or region, health and safety are the focus of attention. This is true even if the management of these canteens is entrusted to collective catering companies.

Therefore, the HACCP standard (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) must be applied in every institution. This is a “ Food hazard analysis system at every stage of production, designed to control them and prevent any TIAC (collective food poisoning infection) risk »describes the Octopus HACCP application. Purpose: To ensure the safety of children during all stages of meal preparation.

Dietary balance and food quality

But that’s not all. Regulations also require respect for the nutritional balance of children’s rations. and meet all their nutritional needs according to their age. Healthy and varied meals are a must “Provide at least one main course and one side dish, one dairy product, and one appetizer and/or one dessert” As stated in Article 1 of the Decree of September 30, 2011.

From 2022, an additional obligation has been added: “According to the EGalim law, meals in continental France canteens must contain at least 50% high-quality sustainable products, of which at least 20% come from organic agriculture”, recalled the National Ministry of Education and Youth.

at last, “When facilities are able to provide suitable meals, children who require special diets due to allergies, intolerances or any other health disorder will be able to benefit from an adapted diet. Otherwise, parents will be able to provide packed lunches.

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