What are the main consequences of cyberaddiction?

A scourge that can affect both children and adults, focus on cyberaddiction, its characteristics and its dangers.

The Internet was widely developed in the 90s. Since then, computing has continued to evolve. Tablet, phone, computer, etc.. we no longer know where to turn. It must be recognized that all this is very practical. However, it is not without consequence on our health.

What is cyberaddiction? What are the consequences of this phenomenon? How to get out? Let’s discover together the main consequences of cyberaddiction.

What is cyberaddiction?

In 2022, 4.95 billion people used the internet. A record number that continues to grow every year. If some do not yet have access to the Internet, others are completely addicted to it. Cyberaddiction is growing a little more each year and affects several million people, including children under the age of 3.


Cyberaddiction is the misuse of connected objects. This leads to physiological and psychological pathologies in dependent individuals.

Internet Addicts:

  • are constantly on a connected object;
  • are in a state of lack when they do not have access to it;
  • increase their time spent on their devices;
  • isolate themselves and face certain troubles.

It is often thought that this addiction only affects young people. But it’s wrong. Everybody is concernedso you have to pay attention to your activity on connected objects.

Physiological symptoms

Like any addiction, cyberaddiction has consequences on your physique. The different symptoms listed are:

  • sleep disturbances or even insomnia;
  • poor personal hygiene (it is deteriorating more and more);
  • a poor diet ;
  • headaches ;
  • back pain;
  • dry eyes;
  • tingling in the wrist and/or hand and/or fingers;
  • a risk of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • The more time you spend on connected objects, the more your body manifests different alerts.

Psychological symptoms

It’s not just your body that alerts you. Internet addiction causes many behavioral problems. The psychological symptoms are:

  • the feeling of relief once in front of your computer or other;
  • constantly thinking about your video or other game;
  • anxiety, feeling empty, or even nervous when you can’t access the Internet;
  • the impossibility of stopping using his telephone or the like;
  • lying to hide the time spent on social networks, video games, etc.

If you have symptoms, don’t wait for the situation to get worse. Speak quickly to remedy the problem and learn to limit your time spent on the Internet.

What are the consequences of cyberaddiction?

Internet addiction can cause sleep disturbances

Finally, the symptoms of cyberaddiction are very similar to those of a junkie. And unfortunately, they are not without consequences.

Degraded lifestyle

Being addicted to video games, social networks, etc. it is to forget oneself. Often, you no longer have the time to:

  • wash yourself: the game does not wait;
  • eating: excessive consumption of snacks;
  • sleep: gamers tend to play day and night;
  • practice an activity: even walking is no longer considered.

Your state of health deteriorates very quickly and then occur:

  • risk of obesity;
  • exposure to cardiovascular diseases;
  • skin problems (poor hygiene);
  • sleeping troubles ;
  • stress ;
  • depressed state.

It doesn’t matter what drives you to use your phone, PC or any other device. Pay attention to how you use it. Avoid playing day and night, don’t compare yourself to others on social networks, shop online without breaking the bank.

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By falling into cyberaddiction, you forget your surroundings. You no longer go out with your friends, your family comes after, in short, only your connected object counts.

Misuse of the Internet can lead to:

  • marital separation;
  • loss of custody of your children;
  • the loss of loved ones: friends and family;
  • the loss of your job: absenteeism, demotivation, etc.

You are no longer able to tell the difference between the real and the virtual. This can cause serious psychological problems.


Such an addiction can cause over-indebtedness. Between subscriptions, games, hardware that evolves extremely quickly, you spend your time spending. Be careful, online shopping can also lead to addiction. Again, you risk losing a lot of money. You have to be reasonable.

How to get out of cyber addiction?

Use multiple screens at the same time

Awareness is especially important to get out of cyber addiction. You have to accept your situation and be ready to get help. Surround yourself with your loved ones who are always present despite everything and do not hesitate to call on a psychologist.

The professional suggests some routines to put in place to change your habits:

  • determining a connection time per day;
  • gradually reduce the connection time per day and per week;
  • put away your computer or tablet each time you finish using it;
  • forcing oneself to take a shower or to prepare food or the like before logging on;
  • erase all the elements (applications, accounts, photos and others) that cause problems;
  • do a pleasant activity (sport, music, drawing) to forget the games.

It is extremely difficult to stop an addiction. This is why it is strongly advised against stopping everything overnight. It is better to decrease little by little to accommodate yourself to your new life.

The objective is to regain a healthy relationship with the internet and all computer objects you use.

The consequences of cyberaddiction: what to remember

Internet addiction can have serious consequences for your mental and physical health. Moreover, it isolates you and causes estrangement with your loved ones. Not to mention that you may end up spending a lot of money.

If you’re showing symptoms of Internet addiction, don’t hesitate to talk about it. With help and willpower, you can break free from internet addiction.

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