What Are the Health Benefits of Vinegar?

Vinegar is a popular ingredient in Brazilian cuisine, and its functions go far beyond simply seasoning meals. It can help, for example, in weight loss.

The liquid, produced from the fermentation of ethanol alcohol, can be consumed by anyone, without contraindications, according to nutritionist Antônio Vígolo, from the Tivolly clinic, in Brasília.

“Vinegar doesn’t just have to be used for dressing salads. A great way to include vinegar in your diet is to make a morning shot, diluting two tablespoons of vinegar in 200ml of water”, says Vigolo.

But what are the health advantages of the ingredient:

1. Slimming

Vinegar has compounds like acetic acid and pectin, a soluble fiber that absorbs water and helps fill the stomach. They contribute to the breakdown of food particles during digestion.

The ingredient also helps lower blood sugar levels, according to nutritionist Arthur Sampaio, who works in Brasília. “Intake helps to avoid insulin spikes and, in this way, reduces hunger”, he points out.

2. Relieves reflux sensation

Acid reflux occurs when there is an imbalance in the pH of the stomach, which irritates the lining of the organ and causes a burning sensation following meals. Ingesting vinegar five minutes before eating helps alleviate this symptom.

3. Strengthens the immune system

One of the main benefits attributed to the frequent consumption of the ingredient is the strengthening of the immune system. Apple cider vinegar does indeed have antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections and promote overall body health.

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