What are the health benefits of spirulina?

A micro-organism from the Cynobacteria family, also known as “blue-green algae”, spirulina is a superfood with proven virtues today. About 90% of the spirulina consumed in France is imported, but it is also grown locally on farms with ponds placed in greenhouses. It is then essentially distributed in short circuits. Faced with an increasing demand, a question arises: what benefits does spirulina have on health?

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Known and used for centuries by humans, spirulina is now ingested as a supplement as part of a healthy diet. It comes in the form of tablets, powder, capsules or even small twigs and can be swallowed, sprinkled on dishes or added to a drink or yogurt. There is also organic spirulina in tablets, powder or offered in other forms and labeled. Nicknamed “food of the future”, spirulina has a very promising future!

What nutrients does spirulina contain?

Considered the most complete food in the world after breast milk, spirulina turns out to be a concentrate of nutrients. Indeed, this superfood contains between 60 and 70% protein. Blue-green algae is also a great source of iron and has almost all the vitamins (except vitamin C), a multitude of minerals (zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium, etc.) and gamma-linolenic acid, too rare in foods to fail to point this out. The rich composition of spirulina makes this food supplement a food with undeniable nutritional qualities.

What are the health benefits of taking spirulina?

The Aztecs already used spirulina for its therapeutic benefits, in particular to reduce fatigue. Today, it is recognized for a number of health claims. Nevertheless, it remains important to specify that this food supplement does not treat, it intervenes as a “therapeutic support” not in replacement of a medical treatment!

Spirulina, health and fitness

Spirulina is consumed to promote the consolidation of immune defenses. It also helps to provide more energy to the body during a period of fatigue, like its first use by the peoples of South America. It can also be taken during a sports activity to improve recovery and limit aches.

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Spirulina and blood sugar regulation

As a superfood, this cynobacterium helps regulate blood sugar levels to maintain a suitable blood sugar level.

Spirulina and weight management

Spirulina is also an ally in weight regulation. Thanks to its high protein content, it can be recommended as part of a slimming diet by virtue of its appetite suppressant action, but also to preserve the body’s muscle mass.

If it can be consumed at any time of the day, it is more advisable to supplement with spirulina in the morning at breakfast time or at noon to take advantage of its energizing effects until the evening.

In general, the quantity of spirulina recommended during a cure is of the order of three grams per day, but it can vary according to the needs of each one and the contributions sought.

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