What are the foods that take care of muscle and bone health as middle-aged people lose weight?

Stay healthy to keep the effect of your diet for a long time

Tofu is rich in protein that helps maintain muscle and isoflavones that are good for bones. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Even if you decide to go on a diet, you need to take good care of your health so that the effect lasts for a long time. In particular, middle-aged people should eat nutrients that are essential for their body, even if they control their diet. Protein, calcium, and iron that support the bones and muscles that support the body. Even if you reduce carbohydrates such as rice and noodles, you should eat a lot of fiber from vegetables and fruits. Let’s take a look at some of the foods that can help you lose weight and stay healthy.

◆ Tofu

Tofu has a lot of water, so it makes you feel full and prevents you from overeating other foods. It is also low in calories and helps in weight loss. It contains many essential amino acids, which are proteins necessary for the maintenance of muscle and metabolism in the body. It also helps with bone health. Many isoflavones in soybean, a raw material, promote calcium absorption, slowing bone damage and creating new bone tissue. Helps prevent osteopenia in middle-aged and old age. It is rich in oligosaccharides, a dietary fiber, which helps in bowel movements.

◆ Shiitake Mushroom

According to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the daily intake of shiitake mushrooms is 10 g, with only 3 kcal in calories. It has a lot of nutrients such as protein 0.2g, calcium 0.6g, vitamin B2 0.02g, etc. In particular, vitamins B1 and B2 amount to twice that of ordinary vegetables. Dried mushrooms have an even distribution of essential amino acids. Shiitake mushrooms are rich in ergosterol, a substance before vitamin D, which lowers blood cholesterol levels and is good for preventing high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

◆ Taro

It is low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent obesity and bowel movements. Galactan, a slimy mucilage component unique to taro, is a complex polysaccharide combined with carbohydrates and proteins, and is effective in lowering blood pressure and reducing blood triglycerides and cholesterol. Mutin protects the stomach wall by preventing damage to the gastric mucosa and helps liver and kidney health through detoxification.

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◆ boiled egg

If you look at the amount of protein per 100g of the National Standard Food Ingredients Table, boiled eggs contain 13.49g. Compared to 26.51g of boiled pork, it is a formidable amount. Eating eggs in the morning keeps you full for a longer period of time, so you can eat less at lunch and dinner. Lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for eye health, help prevent eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

◆ Nuts

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat dinner earlier and less. Walnuts for an afternoon outing. Try eating nuts such as peanuts and almonds. It relieves hunger and replenishes protein to help maintain muscle mass. Because it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, it is good for blood and blood vessel health and contributes to the prevention of arteriosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke, which narrow or block blood vessels.

◆ Chicken Breast

It is considered an essential food for protein supplementation when dieting, but the problem is that it loses its texture due to its chewy texture. If you make a chicken breast salad-shake with fruits, vegetables, and nuts, you can add flavor to the chewy texture. 100g of chicken breast contains about 23g of protein and only about 0.5g of fat. It is very effective as a food eaten during weight loss.

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