What are the first symptoms of cancer?

The issue of rapid detection is of crucial importance in the context of a large number of cancers. The earlier the treatment is carried out, the higher the chances of recovery. So how do you spot the first warning signs?

In France, cancers constitute the leading cause of death in men and the second in women. In man, lung cancer is responsible for the greatest number of deaths while breast cancer remains the deadliest in the female population. Public Health France estimates that approximately 41% (1) of cancers in people over 30 are attributable to modifiable risk factors, ie on which it is possible to act. This is the case, for example, with tobacco, alcohol, overweight, “junk food”…

Warning signs not always easy to spot

It is not always easy for the uninitiated to quickly spot the first warning signs of cancer. It is nevertheless essential that everyone remains attentive to the appearance of one or more changes: pain resistant to analgesics, recurrent digestive disorders, recurrent urinary problems, unexplained bleeding, excessive shortness of breath… More general clinical signs such as increased fatigue, weight loss or gain without appetite modification, excessive sweating are also reasons for medical consultation. It is important to specify that these different symptoms are not synonymous with cancer. They constitute sufficient reason for a doctor to carry out a blood test in order to identify any abnormalities.

Early detection essential

In medicine, no unusual symptoms should be overlooked. Unfortunately, some cancers evolve asymptomatically, without manifesting themselves explicitly. Moreover, these are very often cancers with a poor prognosis, because they are detected too late. This is the case, for example, of the pancreatic cancer, kidney or colon. Some of them are also the subject of a screening program organized by the health authorities in order to promote early treatment and thus reduce an often high mortality rate. For others, regular medical follow-up is one of the only means of early detection of tumor development. It is also possible to act upstream in order to limit as much as possible the risk factors clearly identified in the context of a large number of cancers.

  1. https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/maladies-et-traumatismes/cancers#

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