What are the early symptoms of kidney cancer?

2023-04-23 05:00:56

Kidney cancer may not cause symptoms in the early stages. As kidney cancer progresses, the most common symptoms are blood in the urine and a lump or lump in the kidney area. Kidney cancer does not cause specific symptoms. This means that the symptoms may be due to various conditions or diseases that affect the kidneys, not just cancer.

However, even if the cause is not kidney cancer, the person may need treatment. This article reviews kidney cancer symptoms, when to see a doctor, and more.

Are there early symptoms or warning signs of kidney cancer?

Most kidney masses do not cause symptoms in their early stages. Symptoms may appear as the kidney mass grows and the cancer progresses. Most people who are diagnosed with kidney cancer do not have symptoms. However, if symptoms do occur, they may manifest as blood in the urine and a lump or lump in the kidney area.

What are the symptoms of kidney cancer?

The early stages of kidney cancer may not cause symptoms or signs. However, symptoms may appear as the cancer grows. The most common symptom is blood in the urine. Although it can come and go, sometimes it is not possible to see the blood without performing a urinalysis. A person may also notice a lump or mass in the kidney area.

Other more vague, or nonspecific, symptoms of kidney cancer include:

weight loss
a high temperature that does not fade and heavy sweating
back pain on one side, below the ribs
loss of appetite
malaise, or general feeling of poor health
anemia, or low level of red blood cells in the blood
high blood pressure

The above symptoms are not specific to kidney cancer. A person with one or more of these symptoms is more likely to have another mild condition that may need treatment. For example, high fever and profuse sweating may be due to an infection.

Stages and Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is unlikely to cause symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms of kidney cancer can appear when the tumor begins to grow and affect nearby organs.

At what stage are symptoms of kidney cancer most likely to appear?

Doctors can find many early-stage kidney cancers by chance, while a person is being treated for another problem. As the cancer grows, it may be large enough to cause noticeable symptoms, and the more it grows and spreads to surrounding organs, the more likely it is to cause symptoms. When the tumor spreads to other organs, the symptoms depend on where it spreads. Metastases in the lungs can cause shortness of breath, for example, while metastases in the bones can cause bone pain, weakness, nausea and confusion. While the exact symptoms depend on the location and size of the tumor, in general, the higher the stage and grade of the tumor, the more likely symptoms are. However, some people never experience symptoms until they are diagnosed. People who are worried about new and persistent symptoms that they think may be related to kidney cancer can talk to their healthcare team.

When to contact a doctor

A doctor should be consulted if there is blood in the urine or a mass in the kidney area. People who have persistent nonspecific symptoms, such as a fever with no known cause, should also see a doctor.


A doctor may discover kidney cancer through symptoms or during a routine examination to diagnose other conditions. To diagnose kidney cancer, the doctor may order the following tests:

analyzed the song
analyse d’urine
computed tomography
angiography, an x-ray that examines blood vessels
chest X-ray to determine if the cancer has spread to the lungs
bone scan to determine if the cancer has spread to the bones
kidney biopsy

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The 5-year relative survival rate for kidney cancer is as follows:

Stage 5-year relative survival rate
Localized, that is, it has not spread 93%.
Regional, that is, it has spread to nearby tissues or lymph nodes 71%.
Distant, that is, it has spread to distant parts of the body 14%.

The relative survival rate indicates how long a person with a particular disease lives after diagnosis, compared to those without the disease. For example, if the 5-year relative survival rate is 70%, a person with the disease has a 70% chance of living 5 years than a person without it. However, it is important to remember that these numbers are estimates. A person can consult a medical professional to find out how their illness will affect them.

A person’s survival rate depends on several factors, including

response to treatment
general health
the size of the tumor
the spread of cancer

How fast does kidney cancer spread?

Depending on the type of kidney cancer, it can spread quickly. For example, clear cell renal cell carcinoma is the most common and aggressive, or rapidly growing, type of kidney cancer. According to a 2015 study, the growth rate seems to increase in young people. In this study of 46 people with kidney cancer, the average growth rate per year was 2.13 centimeters (cm).

What are the symptoms of kidney cancer in women?

Kidney cancer symptoms do not change, regardless of the person’s gender. However, in men, the veins in the testicles can swell.

What are the symptoms of a benign kidney tumour?

Papillary renal adenoma is the most common type of non-cancerous kidney tumor and usually causes no symptoms. Other types of benign kidney masses, such as cysts, are also unlikely to cause symptoms. However, in some cases, a person may experience pain, infection, or bleeding.


Kidney cancer may not show signs at an early stage. However, as the cancer progresses, it can cause symptoms such as blood in the urine, a lump or lump in the kidney area, and back pain. Kidney cancer symptoms are not specific, which means that a person can have another disease. It is advisable to see a doctor if you think you have kidney cancer or if you have signs or symptoms that the kidneys are not working properly.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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