What are the dimples on golf balls used for?

We may believe in a desire for aesthetics, but in truth the holes on the surface of golf balls hide a secret. The fascinating little detail is that they are so small that they often go unnoticed. And golfers don’t even pay attention to it anymore. But, there is a scientific significance to the presence of these cells: more precisely, it is a question of aerodynamics. Why are these holes not there by chance and how do they help improve the game? In this article, we will enlighten you on the subject.

A golf ball – Source: spm

What are the dimples on golf balls used for?

Whether you are an experienced player or simply a golf enthusiast, you have certainly noticed that the balls are not completely smooth, they are full of small holes. They are called alveoli. Their function is not insignificant: they have been specially designed to help golfers achieve greater range and better accuracy. So it’s mainly a question of drag and lift.

Concretely, when you hit the ball, these holes will create a flow of air called “turbulence” and which will reduce drag. Indeed, these vortices will allow the ball to stay in the air longer and thus reach a greater distance. Thanks to these cells, the lift is more efficient and the ball can travel more meters. The holes therefore reduce the resistance of the bullet with the area of ​​air pressure. Unlike a smooth ball which generates more resistance: if you throw a ball without holes, of course it will go up, but it will necessarily come down faster, since there is more pressure to stop.

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Therefore, the dimples of golf balls allow for better travel and amplify the effect of reach, since the vortices optimize the lift force. Moreover, the more the balls contain, the more they improve the game of golfers.

To play golf

Playing golf – Source: spm

How many dimples are there on a golf ball?

For the record, golf balls were originally smooth. But they were often damaged and suffered many shocks. And above all, they were not very efficient. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that the English golfer and manufacturer William Taylor had the genius idea of ​​designing dimples. To the delight of golfers who felt a clear difference!

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Have you ever wondered how many holes are in a golf ball? Hard to count actually. In truth, there is no normality per se, as the number usually depends on the model, design and manufacturer. But it takes on average between 300 and 500 holes. 336 cells are more frequently found in quality bullets.

What is the optimal diameter for a golf ball?

We can also wonder regarding the variable number of cells even though the weight and size of a golf ball are strictly regulated by this sport. Namely that the diameter is established at a minimum measurement of 42.67 millimeters and the weight must not exceed 45.93 g. Golf ball sizes are generally standard. However, concerning the cells, the average depth is around 0.254 mm. They must necessarily be symmetrical, but it is permissible for them to be circular or hexagonal.

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