What are the best foods that fight bad cholesterol?

There is no doubt that good cholesterol is associated with good health, but bad cholesterol is one of the main factors for cardiovascular disease. And help some foods to avoid sedimentation in the arteries, and avoid high cholesterol bad in the blood.

Cholesterol level is often a concern, good cholesterol helps remove excess cholesterol in the blood vessels, while bad cholesterol seeps into the arteries and causes cardiovascular diseases. Cholesterol is one of the fats in the body, and it is present in the cells of the body and blood, and the liver produces the largest amount of cholesterol, while we get the rest through foods of animal origin such as some meats, egg yolks, butter, cheese…

The diet usually helps to control cholesterol by eating less fats (saturated fats such as egg yolks, cheese, butter, fatty meats and deli meats), and eating more fibers such as vegetables, fruits and grain products… in addition to healthy unsaturated fats such as olive oil. Olive and coconut oil, according to what was published on the website Topsante.

Soluble fiber forms a gel that absorbs cholesterol to empty it into the body, which reduces the amount of cholesterol particles in the arteries and blood vessels. Some foods also help control cholesterol levels, as well as some fruits such as apples, pomegranates, almonds and oats.

What are the best foods that fight bad cholesterol?

* Avocado:

Rich in healthy unsaturated fats, unsaturated fatty acids help lower cholesterol, as well as omega-3s that prevent high cholesterol. It also contains plant compounds such as “phytosterols” that prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol found in some foods.

* pomegranate

Pomegranate pulp is rich in polyphenols, which are antioxidant compounds that help lower cholesterol. The production of the anti-cholesterol enzyme Paraxonase leads to control of its levels. It can be eaten fresh or through pomegranate juice, provided that no sugar is added.

* Oats

The main component of fiber is beta-glucan, which is a cholesterol-fighting substance. It can be eaten for breakfast with animal or vegetable milk or in soup.

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* Eggplant

It is one of the fresh vegetables that showed the greatest ability to lower cholesterol, due to its purple peel, which is rich in antioxidants that fight the oxidation of bad cholesterol. We recommend eating it with its skin, as long as it is not fried.

* cinnamon

Cinnamon has a role in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well. This is due to its richness in fiber and a flavonoid compound, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants. So make a small sprinkle of it on both sweet and savory dishes.

* Dark chocolate

Fat-free cocoa powder and dark chocolate (contains 70 percent cocoa) are allies in fighting cholesterol, provided they are eaten in moderation. Consequently, cholesterol is oxidized less and becomes less dangerous, due to the flavonoids and antioxidants that cocoa contains.

* Almonds

Almonds help lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood thanks to their richness in fiber. Fiber works to trap bad cholesterol in the digestive system before it is transmitted in the blood and then removed in the stool.

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