What are the best anti-water retention foods?

2023-04-28 10:07:30

What is water retention?

It is estimated that nearly 1 in 2 women are affected. This phenomenon results from a water circulation problem at the cellular level, causing fluid to build up in the lower body (due to gravity). Symptoms ? Swollen legs and ankles, feeling of heavy legs, tingling, tingling on the skin, swelling of the belly… up to a generalized swelling of the body going hand in hand with an increase in weight! Water retention causes discomfort, on a daily basis, and even when it’s hot, which tends to aggravate the symptoms! Most often, water retention is due to a blood or lymphatic circulation problem, hormonal fluctuations or even a problem with kidney function. Sometimes certain medications can be involved…

The interest ofadapt your diet when we tend to hold back? By removing certain foods that tend to promote it, we effectively fight once morest retention! Enemy #1? Salt ! If its consumption is essential for a healthy body, beware of excess! When we consume too much salt, the concentration of sodium in our tissues increases and these will then attract and retain water: this is the principle of water retention! We therefore make sure to have a nimble hand when seasoning and we stick to the recommendations of 5 g of salt per day maximum1 especially since over-consumption also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease! The other good reflex? Favor a balanced diet and limit your consumption of foods that promote retention such as industrial sugars, fatty meats and fats in general – and in particular saturated fats -, cold cuts, sauces and mayonnaise… Be wary also carbohydrates (bread, white rice, pasta …) which retain water.

Water retention: the best foods to reduce swelling

Once the foods that affect the body’s evacuation of excess water have been eliminated, try to integrate water-rich and diuretic foods into your diet, which fpromote elimination and will help deflate.

  • Melon, thirst quencher and anti-cellulite

Melon promotes drainage and facilitates intestinal transit. It is a fruit is composed of 92% water and is therefore very thirst-quenching. It is low in calories (30 kcal/100g) and its sugar content is variable but low (regarding 7g/100g). Melon contains vitamin C and carotene, powerful antioxidants. It also has fibers (1g/100g of melon) and provides minerals (potassium): the perfect anti-retention food. We think not to serve it too cold, because in this case it becomes less tasty and less digestible. Its peak season is summer. : that’s good, it’s also during this season that we suffer the most from the symptoms of water retention!

  • Cucumber, anti-water retention ally

It is undoubtedly one of the most suitable vegetables when you suffer from water retention. Composed of 96% water, the cucumber is diuretic, very low in calories (10kcal per 100g) … and can be cooked in lots of recipes, each tastier than the next, to enjoy at lunch or dinner! Another option? The salad containing 95% water!

  • The fig to eliminate excess water

The fig has many virtues. Nutritious, digestible, laxative, diuretic, it contains calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. Not really a fruit, the fig is only a fleshy receptacle which shelters a very large number of crunchy seeds which are the real fruit. Rather sweet (15g of sugar for 100g of figs) and rich in fibre, the fresh fig is less caloric (60 kcal/100g) than the dried fihue (230 kcal/100g).

  • Grapes once morest cellulite

The grape promotes elimination and drainage thanks to its high potassium rate. There are many species including Chasselas – the most famous – or even Muscat, highly sought following. Caloric and sweet, this fruit is characterized by its supply of vitamins B1 and B6, which act on the proper functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. The grape is rich in tannins (proanthocyanidins, formerly called “vitamins P”) and pigments (anthocyanins) with a protective action on the cardiovascular level.

  • Vegetable asparagus once morest water retention

Thanks to the presence of fructan and asparagine, asparagus stimulates renal elimination. Its high potassium content also makes it a particularly suitable food when water is present in excess in the human body! Because they also contain a lot of potassium (320 mg potassium per 100 g), carrots are also very interesting when trying to fight once morest water retention.

  • Fishing once morest swelling

Ripe, the peach is a slightly laxative food, which promotes diuresis and activates difficult digestions. It is a refreshing and thirst-quenching fruit (90% water), low in calories (40 kcal/100g), and with a low sugar content (10g/100g). All these properties make fishing a food that deserves to be integrated into slimming diets, especially in summer which corresponds to its high season. A source of pectin, peach promotes transit and soothes hunger. The presence of antioxidants (vitamins C and A), which contribute to the protection once morest cardiovascular diseases and the prevention of digestive cancers is also worthy of interest. Only flaw? It is a fragile fruit and particularly difficult to keep…

  • The cherry once morest retention

The cherry stimulates both urinary and digestive elimination, making it possible to “cleanse” the whole body of toxins accumulated in the body. It is, however, one of the most caloric red fruits: eating 100 grams of cherries is equivalent to swallowing 70 kcal; and one of the sweetest fruits (15g/100g). Rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin C and carotene, as well as minerals (potassium, iron), cherries have it all. Attention, if one has a fragile intestine, it is consumed in moderation or cooked. Most ? In infusion, the stems of cherries also have a diuretic effect.

  • Pineapple once morest cellulite

Pineapple is perfect for fighting water retention. It is a fruit rich in potassium, citric acid, vitamins A, B and C. It helps to drain, to detoxify the body and, thus, to reduce cellulite and edema. Ideal to consume when following a weight loss diet…

  • Oily fish to improve blood circulation

If they do not directly boost elimination, fatty fish – such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel (among others) – are rich in protein but also in essential fatty acids, including omega 3 which maintain the blood vessels and contribute to the proper functioning of the blood system. And when you know that water retention is most often due to a blood circulation problem…

Should I drink water to fight once morest water retention?

The answer is far from obvious! If it might seem logical to drink less when you suffer from water retention it is actually a mistake not to commit! And for good reason: if you drink less, the kidneys, less stressed, risk functioning less well and therefore eliminate less… further accentuating the symptoms! We therefore make sure to drink 1.5 liters of water during the day (and more in case of high heat and sporting activity) by also betting on tea and herbal tea. On the other hand, we pay attention to other liquids and in particular to sugary drinks which promote water retention as well as to carbonated drinks!

1. Salt, ameli.fr.

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