What are the benefits of eating salmon?

Find out more regarding the benefits of eating salmon

In general, fish are very beneficial for the body, since they have proteins, vitamins, minerals and good fats, such as omega 3, essential for our diet. Salmon receives a special mention, as in addition to offering all this, it also has a lot of versatility in preparation, and can be consumed both cooked and raw.

Check out the advantages of including salmon on your menu!

ally of the heart

Salmon is rich in omega 3 and virtually all of its benefits are linked directly or indirectly to this essential fatty acid. One of the best-known advantages of omega 3 is that it prevents the formation of fatty plaques, which can clog the arteries and consequently lead to serious problems, such as a heart attack. In addition, it also assists in reducing cholesterol levels, showing that this fish is a great ally in heart health.


Did you know that omega 3 can help improve your mood? This happens due to its anti-inflammatory action, which can alleviate symptoms of depression. In addition, salmon also has the amino acid tryptophan, which helps in the production of serotonin – one of those responsible for the feeling of pleasure. Therefore, the consumption of this food allows us to live better in every way, both physically and mentally.

Salmon great antioxidant

Rich in vitamins and minerals, salmon is a great antioxidant. It fights excess free radicals in our body, which in turn oxidize our cells – which can result, for example, in premature aging. It also makes the body stronger and less susceptible to illnesses, ranging from colds to something more serious, like cancer.

healthy central nervous system

As omega 3 helps in the development of brain cells, it ends up avoiding problems related to the central nervous system. One of the most well-known diseases is Alzheimer’s, which destroys mental functions, causing memory loss. In addition, as already mentioned, the consumption of salmon can reduce the symptoms of depression, a disease that is also linked to our brain.

stronger bones

Salmon also has good amounts of vitamins A and D. Vitamin A helps to make hair and skin more beautiful, in addition to helping with vision – especially at night. Vitamin D, on the other hand, facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, preventing osteoporosis and helping to strengthen bones and muscles. In addition to salmon, cod and tuna are also very suitable for keeping your bones healthy.



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