What are the benefits of being slower in life?

The magazine National Geographic explains that philosophy, psychology and neuroscience have been analysing for a long time the factors that influence our perception of time.

A study delves into how our sense of time increases or decreases based on the amount of varied and novel experiences we can have and how the brain processes them.

They assure that Those who earn a living in a job that stimulates them, in addition to being able to enjoy more vacations and free time, will remember having lived longer. unlike those who are in a place they do not enjoy.

Are you fast or slow?

Humans at that time could also be faster or slower in their actions due to issues of personality and perception. Which group do you consider yourself to be in?

The medium The Vanguard In 2016, a group of researchers from the University of Queensland (Australia) highlighted this. They took 417 participants to develop two different tests. The first was an assessment of intelligence and personality, and the second consisted of having the participants’ friends answer questions about the degree of charisma and social ability of the same.

“Charisma and mental agility have been shown to be associated,” explained the leader of the research, William von Hippel. It was also said that mental agility is a sign of the ability to recall things from memory depending on the particular circumstance that the person is facing, you have to be clever, Response speed is critical for different interactions

Although the fastest brains were the most charismatic, some of them did not receive good scores in conflict resolution skills or expression of their emotions.

Psychologist Claudia Cuyún explains that a person who has a slower pace is more reflective and observant, and notices things that others don’t notice. “He will be able to pay attention and listen, because his body regularly reflects that he is attentive, and sometimes people need that reflection to open up to others,” says the expert.

Another advantage is their health, says Cuyún, “since those who always live fast could generate anxiety, stress and other conditions related to the presence of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension.”

The problem is that being slow could lead to stagnation and not being as dynamic, which could also affect your health. “We need balance and to be like bamboo, flexible,” he recommends.

She insists that some people may respond or function well at a slow pace, while others do better at a fast, impetuous pace. The expert promotes that each personality must recognize when to go a little faster or when the person who goes fast needs to rest, enjoy moments or share with others.

A balance in life allows us to share and make the most of our time. (Photo Prensa Libre: Gary Barnes/Pexels)

For the more leisurely type, the goal is to remember that it’s okay to have fun, laugh out loud, be happy, and get active. So it’s important to be thoughtful in order to achieve that balance.

“Our strength is in our mind and it doesn’t matter if our physiological rhythm is slow or fast, the fact that you are slow doesn’t mean that your strength is less or that someone who is fast is better… there are fast people who fail to achieve their goals,” says Cuyún.

Not making progress on something is sometimes related to not being motivated; other times it could be due to the fact that the person does not have clear goals or is desperate and does not have the patience necessary to work on their objectives, adds psychologist Gabriela Quiñónez.

Quiñónez says that there is a generation that has little tolerance for frustration and wants immediate satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to work on schedules, sacrifices and recognize that there will be a reward in the medium and long term.

The world promotes the slow life the slow life

He Canadian writer Carl Honoreauthor of the book In praise of slowness I create a concept that promotes that we should all live in a slower pace.

He claims that this pace of life allows for better physical and mental health, more vitality and energyin addition to improving contact with the environment and potentially having more control in life.

To begin this task of being more aware, we can ask ourselves right now: what day of the week is it today and what date does the calendar show? What time does your clock show? Describe for a moment where you are reading this article… If you have answered these questions, you have done an exercise that seems simple, but it is not for everyone.

Thinking and focusing on the now is a key to a better life, experts say. The goal is to observe and learn to enjoy the present and the little things.

Eating while focusing on the moment, recognizing flavors and aromas, as well as doing relaxation activities, meditation or yoga are recommended practices.

#benefits #slower #life



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