What are labor rights

2023-05-15 10:38:12

Las domestic workers they enjoy various labor rights within your hiring that can be done legally with tools like the registered programpromoted by the National government for reduce informality in this sector.

In this framework, it is always important both for the employer as well as for the workers of private homes know what are your labor rightswhich enable a better relationship between the parties in the present and also in the future.

On the official page of the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP)you can find the details of the rights of workers in private homesto know what they are and how to comply with them.

Next, We review which are listed.

What are the labor rights of domestic workers?

From AFIPindicated that the common rights for domestic staff with and without retirement son:

+ the working day may not exceed eight hours a day or forty-eight hours a week. An unequal weekly distribution of working hours may be established, as long as an ordinary day exceeding nine hours does not matter.

+ Weekly rest of thirty-five straight hours starting Saturday at 3:00 p.m.

+ Work clothes and items that must be provided by the employer.

+ Healthy, sufficient food that ensures the perfect nutrition of the staff. Said food will include: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner, which in each case must be provided depending on the type of service contracted and the duration of the day.

+ Obligation on the part of the employer to contract in favor of the personnel a insurance for work risks.

+ In the case of retired staff who performs for the same employer, between the cessation of a day and the beginning of the other must mediate a break of not less than twelve hours.

+ Complementary annual salary (aguinaldo), which is paid at the end of the June and December semesters and is calculated by taking 50% of the best salary of the last semester. When the termination of the employment contract occurs for any reason, the employee or her right-holders will be entitled to receive the proportional part of the complementary annual salary accrued in the respective semester.

+ The worker will enjoy a period of regular annual paid vacation leave.

In the case of workers in private homes who are working without retirementIn addition, it must be considered:

+ Daily night rest of nine consecutive hours As minimum.

+ Daily rest of three continuous hours between morning and evening tasksperiod within which the time necessary for lunch will be included.

+ Furnished and hygienic room exclusively for staff.

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