What an irony! Now the left criminalizes and persecutes social protest.

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It is already laughable everything that is happening with the national government and its henchmen; the paradox is absolute, everything that President Petro supported when he was a Senator and for which he apparently always had the solution, now seems vandalistic, criminal and unconstitutional. The presidential speech that we Colombians witnessed on Wednesday night is not presentable, in which he dedicated almost 20 minutes to talking about Israel and an alleged spy software purchased by the previous government… yes, that was the object of his speech, right in the middle of a truckers’ strike that in a few hours managed to put the economy, the family basket, the price of fuel and in general all the transport and logistics of our country on the ropes.


But the show started earlier with a statement from the Attorney General’s Office, when through a statement published on social media, it announced the opening of a preliminary investigation into 36 blockades that occurred on public roads in the country, which put the public health and food security of Colombians at risk… Do me a favor! They forgot how just 3 years ago, in the middle of a pandemic, they harassed and set the country on fire, called for blockades, blocked main roads, financed the front line, bankrupted hundreds of businessmen, and even caused an economic collapse that affected millions of compatriots.

Now they find the protests absurd, now they criminalize any road closure and even the head of state himself states in his speech that this is a business protest and not a social uprising like the one that supported him; now they make use of the old ESMAD, which they criticized so much when they were congressmen, it turns out that when the truck drivers supported him 3 years ago the protest was valid and social, now that they protest against him for not fulfilling all the lies he promised during the campaign, they are criminals who block roads and use the Attorney General’s Office to intimidate them. Such a convenient democrat!

How curious, today what Colombia needs are real solutions for transporters, workers, small entrepreneurs and large businessmen.

The truth is that this government is already a shame, every day the messages are more demotivating for investors, businessmen, workers, teachers, for the entire population that at some point they wanted to defend and ended up using and deceiving to get to power.

Fortunately, nothing and no one is a fool’s errand and in a few months the presidential campaign and the congressional campaign will arrive, a unique opportunity that we will have as Colombians to succeed in ending this tedious, improvisational government, a government that does not read or know how to communicate with the needs of the citizens; it is right at this moment that we all have to unite, as through the strength of a tired citizenry, we can succeed in choosing a government that truly works for the well-being, confidence, investment and growth of the economy and the well-being of all.

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The post What an irony! Now the left criminalizes and persecutes social protest. appeared first on Minuto30.

2024-09-08 05:03:56
#irony #left #criminalizes #persecutes #social #protest



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