What about the expert opinion in Zbigniew Ziobro’s case? Ziobro “is surprised”. Why?

What about the expert opinion in Zbigniew Ziobro’s case? Ziobro “is surprised”. Why?

Earlier, Magdalena Sroka, head of the Pegasus surveillance commission, informed TVN24 that – according to the experts’ opinion – the former Minister of Justice may be questioned by the commission. The expert opinion, which Sroka mentioned, indicates that Ziobro’s questioning is to take place in public, in two-hour rounds with breaks in between.

Why does the Pegasus committee want to question Zbigniew Ziobro?

Ziobro withdrew from political life after the elections on October 15 due to cancer. The leader of Sovereign Poland handed over the party leadership to Patryk Jaki, underwent surgery, and is currently undergoing treatment. According to information provided by him and other politicians of Sovereign Poland, the politician is fighting for his life – the malignant esophageal cancer that was diagnosed in him has metastasized to the stomach, among other things.

The commission investigating the use of Pegasus software against, among others, the former head of the Civic Coalition’s election campaign, Krzysztof Brejza, the leader of AGROUnia, current deputy minister of agriculture, Michał Kołodziejczak, and the lawyer, currently KO MP, Roman Giertych, wants to question Ziobro because the surveillance software was purchased from the Justice Fund, which Ziobro had at his disposal as minister of justice. Ziobro could not be questioned so far due to his health condition and the sick leave certificates he presented.

How Pegasus Software Works


“I am surprised to hear about the opinion issued about my health condition, because no expert examined me or even spoke to me. What’s more, neither the expert, nor the prosecutor’s office or the investigative committee asked me for current medical documentation! And yet I am undergoing treatment in several centers, also abroad. I am currently undergoing very intensive rehabilitation to regain my health. It is very exhausting, but I am optimistic,” wrote Ziobro, commenting on Sroka’s morning statement on the X website.



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