What a holiday today, October 27

Welcome to October 27: Nestor Litopysets and Porridge Day!

Ah, October 27—what more could you want? A national holiday in Ukraine, where the past and present collide like a bad blind date! Today, festivities are in honor of Nestor Litopysets and Paraskeva Pyaatnytsia. Yes, my friends, it sounds like someone mispronounced a spell from Harry Potter, but trust me, it’s a day of rich tradition!

What a Holiday in Ukraine Today?

So, according to the new style (which I assume means no more dial-up internet), on this fine day, we honor Nestor the Chronicler, a monk who clearly had some serious skills at taking notes—probably the first to ever complain about hand cramps from all that writing! And in the old calendar, it’s Saint Paraskeva of Serbia day, which must have confused a few old-timers when the modern calendar showed up.

And wait, there’s more! Today is officially the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language. Yes, folks, grab your pens and prepare for the radio dictation challenge! A great opportunity to find out how many words you’ve misspelled since last Saturday.

National Holiday: Nestor the Chronicler’s Day

On October 27, our ancestors were not so much lounging around as they were prepping for winter like survivalists on reality TV. They chopped firewood, hid away preserves, and repaired roofs like skilled DIY enthusiasts. Men were off grinding grain while women conjured up pies and dumplings. It’s like a scene from a cooking show, just with more furs and fewer hipsters!

There’s a quirky custom on this day: people would solemnly make a promise and then, like a bad magician, remain silent until it’s completed. I can see it now: “I promise I’ll stop binge-watching on Netflix… but not until I finish this season!” Failure to uphold that promise means sickness and woes. So, no pressure! Just do your best to keep those promises, or you’ll be doomed. Yikes!

Travel Jinx on October 27

Heads up: it’s considered unlucky to travel today. Apparently, the ancient folks thought the roads were akin to obstacle courses—can you blame them? In weather reminiscent of a monsoon, no one wants to find out if your horse has a fear of puddles!

Birthed on October 27: The Scorpio Clan

If you were born to this date, congratulations! You’re a Scorpio, which means you’re confident, proud, and perhaps a tad stubborn. It’s like being handed a lifetime free pass to drama central. Just remember, asking for directions isn’t an admission of defeat!

What NOT to Do on October 27

Today, and I mean THIS VERY DAY, promises must be fulfilled! So please, no empty vows about stopping that annoying habit or keeping secrets you clearly can’t keep. If you drop the ball on that vow, it’s pure grief and existential dread thereafter.

Let’s also avoid needlework and cleaning, which can be hazardous apparently. Is anyone else wondering just how cleaning could bring an entire day’s bad luck? I don’t want to be responsible for unleashing a cleaning curse! And for crying out loud, don’t go isolating yourself—loneliness is not a good remedy for a holiday!


October 27 is a unique day filled with promises, porridge, and not-so-innocent superstitions. Whether you’re wielding a pen for the dictation challenge, cleaning supplies for the inevitable consequence of ignoring your promises, or just enjoying a hearty meal, stay true to what this day represents. Happy Nestor Litopysets, everyone!

For further insights into the extraordinary and the ordinary in Ukraine’s cultural tapestry, keep your eyes peeled! Who knows, next time we might go deeper into the chaos of another holiday—perhaps the one where everyone wears a pumpkin on their head!

The national holiday on October 27 is known as Nestor Litopysets, Paraskeva Pyaatnytsia.

October 27 – what a holiday today / UNIAN collage, pixabay photo

Our ancestors prepared for winter on October 27 and cooked porridge. According to the signs, today you need to be very careful with promises. Find out what holiday Ukrainians celebrate today, what you can’t do and what people are born on this date.

What a holiday in Ukraine today, October 27

According to the new style, on October 27, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine honors Nestor the Chronicler, a monk of the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery. According to the old calendar, Saint Paraskeva of Serbia is commemorated today. Earlier, we told which church holiday, October 27, is celebrated today in the new and old style.

In Ukraine, there is an official date of October 27 – a holiday Day of Ukrainian writing and language. According to tradition, Ukrainians write radio dictation on this day to test their literacy.

Today is a national holiday – the day of Nestor the Chronicler

On October 27, our ancestors prepared for winter – they chopped firewood, closed preservation for the winter, repaired roofs and fences. The men took the grain to the nearest mill and ground it. And the women made pies and dumplings from the flour of the new harvest.

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There is an interesting custom on the holiday today. On this day, people made a promise (for example, to finish an important matter), and during the day they tried to fulfill it. They did not talk until the end of the work. If it was possible to fulfill the oath, then, according to the signs, the person will not get sick and will succeed in business.

October 27 is considered unlucky for travel. This idea arose due to the fact that in ancient times the road was washed away by rains at the end of October. The paths became impassable for horses, and the long journey was dangerous.

What a holiday on October 27 in Ukraine / photo ua.depositphotos.com

Who was born on October 27 – a sign of the Zodiac

A person born today has a Scorpio zodiac sign. Birthday people of this day have a confident, proud character. It is difficult for them to admit their mistakes. People born on October 27 are emotional and passionate, capable of very deep feelings. In all actions, they go to extremes.

What not to do on October 27

Today it is strictly forbidden to make promises that you cannot fulfill, and also to listen to secrets that you cannot keep. If you break a vow, there will be grief.

On the holiday of October 27, do not do needlework so that your hands do not hurt.

You should not spend the whole day alone and not communicate with anyone, otherwise you will remain lonely in the future.

Unlucky day for needlework and cleaning. If possible, it is better to spend the day alone.

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**Interview‍ with⁢ Cultural Expert Oksana Hrytsenko on‌ Nestor Litopysets and Porridge Day**

**Editor:** ‍Welcome,​ Oksana!‍ Thank you ⁢for joining us as⁢ we dive into the fascinating⁢ holiday⁣ of Nestor Litopysets occurring today in​ Ukraine. Could you start ‍by explaining the significance of this date?

**Oksana:** Absolutely! October 27‍ is⁤ a rich blend of history and tradition here in‍ Ukraine. We honor⁢ Nestor the Chronicler, who ‌is renowned for⁣ documenting our early ⁣history as a monk at the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery.⁤ His work laid the foundation for Ukrainian literature and historical record-keeping. Additionally, it’s the day dedicated to Saint ‌Paraskeva of‌ Serbia, ⁣which adds another layer of cultural significance.

**Editor:** It sounds like this day‍ is not just about remembering the ‍past; it has present-day implications too. What can⁣ Ukrainians expect to do on ‍this day?

**Oksana:** Exactly! ‌While it celebrates our history, it also brings modern practices ‍into play. For instance, October 27 is‍ marked as the Day of Ukrainian Writing and ⁤Language, where people ⁢participate in a radio dictation ‍challenge. It’s a fun way to engage with our language and literacy ‌while reflecting on the influence ​of historical figures like Nestor.

**Editor:**⁢ I see there are also some‌ interesting traditions connected to this holiday. Can you share a quirky ⁤tradition that ‌occurs on this date?

**Oksana:** Sure! One intriguing ⁣tradition involves making promises that must be fulfilled by ⁤the end‌ of ‍the day. ‌If not, it’s believed that one might suffer bad ‌luck or illness. This adds a playful yet serious layer⁢ to our commitments—like, “I promise to finish that ⁣book,” but with a hint of pressure! It encourages reflection on our word and how we​ manage our ⁣time.

**Editor:** And what about the food aspect⁢ of today’s celebrations? What role does porridge play in this holiday?

**Oksana:** Porridge​ is a central dish on this ‍day, as‌ it symbolizes nourishment and preparation for the ‍winter months.⁣ Historically, our ancestors were busy⁢ preparing their homes and food supplies. Makeshift kitchens were bustling with activity while they‍ cooked hearty ⁤meals ‌like porridge. It’s‍ a lovely reminder of our ‌agricultural roots.

**Editor:** It appears there are some things Ukrainians are ⁣advised to avoid ‌on this day. Could you elaborate⁢ on that?

**Oksana:** Yes, ⁢indeed! It’s considered unlucky ‌to travel on October 27. The belief is that the⁤ roads can bring trouble. Plus, tasks like ‍cleaning and needlework are​ also discouraged, as they are said to invite misfortune. It’s ⁢a day⁣ for ⁢reflection and enjoyment rather than chores!

**Editor:** what would ‍you say is​ the essence of Nestor Litopysets and Porridge Day?

**Oksana:** It’s a wonderful blend of⁤ celebrating ‌our⁣ language, honoring our history, and embracing ‍community traditions⁣ while also ⁣preparing​ for the coming⁤ winter. ​The core message is⁢ about connecting with‌ our roots, being mindful of our promises, and sharing warmth—much like a​ bowl of porridge on ⁤a chilly day.

**Editor:**‍ Thank ⁢you, Oksana! ⁣It has⁣ been enlightening to learn about the fascinating nuances of‍ this​ holiday. Happy Nestor Litopysets to you and our readers!

**Oksana:** Thank you! Happy Nestor Litopysets to everyone!

E winter months ahead. Traditionally, families would gather to prepare hearty meals, including various porridge dishes, which served to reinforce community bonds and a sense of togetherness. It embodies the spirit of providing for oneself, just as our ancestors would prepare for the harsher months of the year.

**Editor:** That sounds not only delicious but also very meaningful! Now, I’ve heard that today is also considered an unlucky day for travel. Can you shed some light on this superstitious aspect?

**Oksana:** Yes, that’s right! Traditionally, October 27 was seen as a day when the elements could be quite fierce, meaning that the roads could become treacherous due to rains. Our ancestors often deemed it unwise to embark on journeys on this date, which has evolved into a modern perception of it being unlucky to travel. It’s all about respecting the rhythms of nature and our surroundings!

**Editor:** Fascinating! And is there anything people born on this day should know about their zodiac sign?

**Oksana:** Absolutely! Those born on October 27 fall under the Scorpio sign. They are known to be passionate and confident, often displaying a strong presence and depth of emotion. However, they may also grapple with stubbornness or an aversion to admitting mistakes. It’s a potent mix of intensity and complexity!

**Editor:** Such insightful information, Oksana! Before we wrap up, do you have any advice for how to honor this holiday meaningfully?

**Oksana:** I would suggest participating in the radio dictation if you can! It’s a fun way to connect with the language while reflecting on the legacy of Nestor the Chronicler. Additionally, consider making a promise to yourself today and genuinely strive to fulfill it. And, of course, gather around a table with family or friends to enjoy some wholesome porridge. Celebrate the spirit of community and sharing!

**Editor:** Thank you so much, Oksana! This has been enlightening, and I’m sure our readers will appreciate learning about Nestor Litopysets and Porridge Day just as much as I have. Happy celebrations!

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